
February 27, 2011

Romantic Tussie Mussies

I Love Tussie Mussies 

They look so pretty just laying on a vanity

These Tussie Mussies available 

Tussie Mussies are most commonly thought of from the Victorian era

Tussie Mussie is actually a term used to describe a small bouquet of flowers with the stems wrapped in ribbon

Women often exchanged such bouquets with their friends and loved ones, and the tradition of carrying a tussie-mussie at a wedding arose in the 1800s. 

Brides usually carried the ornamental bouquet in a silver or enameled cone, also known as a tussie-mussie

I love to day dream about spending just a day in the Victorian Era, of course I would bring a suitcase and load it up to bring back, oh what fun that would be!

What would you bring back in your suitcase from the Victorian Era?
Post cards, calling cards, lace, dressing table jars, or brushes, jewelry, dresses, men

Happy Dreaming 

February 25, 2011

Follow up The Timmy Doll

Remember My Funny Custom Order
For The Timmy Doll?
I just received pictures of Timmy on the Honeymoon

This will make absolutely no sense to you unless you read this post

The Cliff notes are that the groom had a very best friend Timmy and the bride said "He is not going on the honeymoon!!"

So, I made a doll of his best friend and he did go on the honeymoon!

Here's Timmy having breakfast

Timmy all buckled in for the Honeymoon road trip
Safety First!

Timmy playing in the Snow

Have a great weekend!


February 23, 2011

The Ugly Italian Chandelier Gets a Shabby Makeover

I often see these Chandelier lamps, but thought they were beyond help.

Then someone gave me one, free!  

Don't you just love when people go 
"No, don't throw it away, give it to Carol"

Stained lamp shade and all

It had holes for attaching crystal and it's little "Made in Italy" tag still attached.

It needed all new wiring and a complete makeover.

Some heirloom white paint

And some vintage crystal...Oh, I love crystals!

Ruffles from torn and gathered muslin

And some Mary Rose fabric

It was ready for my booth at Orange Tree Antiques
I priced it at $65.00

I almost kept this one for my bedroom!  


Linking up with
Stuff and Nonsense

Transformation Thursday hosted by The Shabby Chic Cottage

Strut Your Stuff hosted by Somewhat Simple
Transformations and Treasures Pink Postcard

February 19, 2011

Adding Vintage Jewels

Adding vintage bling to the ordinary makes it extraordinary.

I look for the ordinary object and decide how to enhance it

Now we all know I love crystals, but they just can't go on everything!

So, I go to my boxes of vintage bling

And find the perfect piece

And attach it with E-6000

Taking an ordinary power jar

Spraying it with heirloom white paint

A light sanding

And it is ready to go in my booth at 

I think I priced these around $14.00 each

I am a girl that loves bling and hate to sell them!

Give us some more ideas
What have you blinged up!!

Wow us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style

Metamorphosis Monday hosted by Between Naps On The Porch
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday Hosted by Coastal Charm

February 17, 2011

My Thoughts on Having My Ideas Copied

I had never given this a thought until a SWEET, SWEET, blogger and online store owner and I were corresponding about projects.  We were talking about how much we like the same style and often the same projects.  She said "Oh I was so worried you would think I was copying you".

What! I have one thought about anyone that would copy any of my projects..........


The thought that anyone would think anything I did was worthy of replicating truly blows my mind!

Certainly She was not talking about the "Ugly Blue  Box"  (Which has already sold, go figure!)

I was thrilled around the holidays when I saw some candlesticks similar to mine for sale.

The reason I don't care is I figure the chances that any of us have the same customer base is pretty slim and If I could help anyone increase their sales I would be thrilled.

Now, If I don't want something out there I won't post about it.  When I knew Romantic Homes Magazine was going to do an article on my "Vintage Framed Paper Dolls"

 I did not blog about, Put it in my web store, or my antiques booth until the magazine was out.



So many people have a totally unique product or style.  They are also trying to make a living and feed themselves and their families!!  This has to be respected!

I'm Just saying, ME, I am flattered!

I would love to know your thoughts on this topic!  

Does it flatter you or upset you when people replicate your work?

Inquiring minds want to know


February 15, 2011

Romantic and Ruffled Pillow Cases

Here is some easy to make romantic and ruffled pillow cases

I came across some pillow cases at an estate sale

I decided to give them a romantic make over.  I started with the ruffled ones.

I took strips of fabric 5" wide and 6 ft long for EACH pillow case.

I hemmed each piece

Then gathered them

I pinned the right side of the fabric to the right side of the pillow case right at the pillow case hem line so I could use this as a nice straight sewing line.

Leaving a little extra fabric at the edge.  

Sew your ruffle on until you get to where the ruffle meets, then sew your ruffle together.  It is so hard to gage exactly how long your ruffle should be.  If you knew exactly, you could sew the ruffle together and then sew it on....I am not that good!

Sew it together

Then sew it down.  Since you sewed the right sides of the fabric facing each other you end up with this nice finished seam when you are done.

Now do the same with your lace and TADA!

These were 2 new Rachel Ashwell Simply Shabby Chic pillow cases

Love ya Rachel, but these needed just a little something.  I tore some strips of light weight cotton fabric.

Gathered them

Then sewed them right along the hem seam

So there you have it, some bad photography and 3 ruffled pillow cases.

I have never sold new pillow cases in my booth, only vintage embroidered.  I have no idea how well they will sell.

Has anyone ever sold new pillow cases in their booth?  

If they do sell, this would be a fun new item to add to our booths or online stores, I have seen tons of pillows for sale, but no pillow cases.  I will let you know how well they sell.

I have no idea how to price them.  I was thinking between $12-$18 for a pair, what do you think?

You guy's are the best!!  Thank You!

Oh...the table...Nope still got it!!


I am linking up with
Wow us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday Coastal Charm