
August 22, 2011

Altering Vintage Hangers

I am in vintage hanger heaven!  
I went to the last day of an estate sale and no one had bought a whole box of vintage hangers....Go figure!

Oh, I saw all the possibilities

Handmade flowers..... tutorial HERE

Pins and rhinestones

They came in a variety of colors and some had lace overlays

These would be great for hanging a vintage dress or gown

Or maybe a gift for a bride

I have added these to my online store The Polka Dot Closet.  You never hear me mention my online store because frankly, it has been sadly ignored, but I plan on changing that.  I figure if I commit to that on a post it will give me the push I need!  I priced them between $8-$10

This was a really fun project, a little vintage lace, rayon and silk ribbons, and vintage jewels...Oh my!

Don't be that person at the estate sale that walks past a box of fabulous vintage hangers.....Snap them up and have fun!

Happy Creating!


Linking up with 
Ruby Jeans Blue Monday


  1. Hi! Very pretty indeed! You are very creative! Linda

  2. These are wonderful! I have a couple that I use for special dresses! They are perfect and you can't find them any more! WOW! You did GREAT! And you have some great ideas for making them even better! ♥

  3. Oh My... They are just Lovely.
    Would be a great bridal shower gift.
    Nicely Done!!!

  4. These hangers are stunning, too pretty to hang in a cupboard and hide them.
    I love all the brooches and bows, perfect for that special dress.

  5. They are gorgeous!!!!

  6. wow that a was a great find I bet you wwere smiling!!

  7. Hi Carol!

    I love what you did with these wonderful hangers. They are spectacular.

    I hope you are having a wonderful summer. It looks like Irene is going to be paying you a visit. Hopefully, she doesn't dump too much rain on you.

  8. OH I LOVE LOVE LOVE...Vintage Hangers Aunt Carol...They hang all over my house holding Vintage Garments...Oh Ladies sure did know what it meant to be Ladies back then...Everything was just so Femininely Beautiful... ( is that even a word... ?? : ) Well those truly are LOVELY...Don't forget today is My Blue Monday...This would make a VERY lovely linky...I think I am going to have to start a Campaign...Win a Trip to Aunt Carols Crafty Overnight Camp... : )

  9. I just got rid of a box full of this style of hangers. I should've know you would come up with some neat way of decorating them! Very pretty!

  10. These are gorgeous! I know I wouldn't have passed them up :)

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  11. They're gorgeous! I will check out your online store!
    Have a great week!
    XXX Ido

  12. Ohhhh...lucky, lucky you!!! These are gorgeous and your photography is too!!! Beautiful embellishments.

  13. Those are lovely! I've never seen anything like those. You're right- those would be perfect for a bridal gown.

  14. I love those. I remember as a little girl that my mom always had special things hanging from them. They were scented. I'll bet she still has them in her closet. She's probably still using them, too.
    Yours are really beautiful.

  15. Carol, you did a great job with them! They are really lovely!


  16. Carol you do the most amazing things...with things that I wouldn't think of if it wasn't for your awesome blog!!!! I love these hangers!
    sending hugs...

  17. Carol, I always buy these hangers when I see them!

  18. Back in the 90's, I used to do up padded hangers like this with lace collars and silk flowers. I have one that I got back from when my Mother passed away, that I have always wanted to redo. Thanks always for the wonderful ideas and great tutorials that you do. You do everything up so nicely!

  19. Hi Carol--another glam project! Yes, I thought the same thing about missing you the other day.."we'll make it happen". I'm sure we'll pick my daughter up before too long for a weekend at home. (I love your previous post, did I see one of those in your booth? I may have gotten a pic of it.)

  20. Very pretty Carol. No way I would have passed them up. When I find them I love to add vintage crocheted lace and other embellishments.

    Glad you are getting your on line store up and running. My etsy shop died a long time ago and I keep thinking I'm going to reopen some day.


  21. You did it again Carol...these are so pretty!

  22. Hi Carol~
    Beautiful.....each and every one of them! You are soooo talented! Check your calendar for a lunch date with SueBee & me!Hope to see you soon!

  23. Lovely! Even by themselves the satin and padding is so pretty but you made them even prettier!

  24. OH so pretty Carol! I would use them as is, ha! But of course you "beautified" them!


  25. Super, super Carol! You are always thinking that is for sure. And please do tell your son, that you have some of the nicest invisible friends...even if we are all a bunch of caspers:) we are friendly!

  26. LOOK at YOU!!! Busy making pretty hangers and the makeover on the side table is awesome!!!
    deb :)

  27. Is there anything you can't do my talented friend? You totally blow me away! :)


  28. Wow! Before reading this post I would have definitely been that person, but not anymore! What a beautiful job you did!

  29. You are brilliant in your vision and creations of beautiful amenities. Happy week to you...

  30. These are too sweet! I adore the colours and the decor you put on them! :D Lovely!


  31. Gorgeous! Girly! Glamorous!
    You are SO clever.
    VEE in England

  32. Carol,
    I usually do these up with a lot of lace, beads and cameos but you have given me some new ideas!!
    I usually can find them in Ollies and Big Lots in a 5 pack...
    Thanks for some new inspiration!!


  33. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! You are amazing! They are beautiful!

  34. oops! That was me Carol (red barn). I forgot to log out from posting something there the other day.
    Anyway, Carol, you are truly the most creative and prolific person I know!!
    Love it all!

  35. what dummies to leave something like that! My son found a whole box of the satin hangers near the trash elevator in his apartment building and brought them home to me, knowing I would love them.....and he was right. You fixed them up so grogeously Carol!

  36. Carol, They are Beautiful!! I bet you did have a lot of fun creating them, you can hear it in your post!! So just how happy are you to have 'Tot Mom' back in Town?!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  37. Just perfect.... I love them!

    Warm blessings,

  38. Carol these are so beautiful. I love the idea of a gift for a bride.

  39. Very pretty Carol! What a perfect hanger for that very special dress! I agree with Vicki - great bridal shower gift!

    Can't wait to see what you come up with today!


  40. Carol...I am swooning over these! They are just beautiful! Great job!


  41. Like them all....LOVE the seafoam green one!

  42. Carol, you always post THE MOST AMAZING projects. I love this one! My girls might be getting some for Christmas ;P

  43. Those are so lovely Carol! I was just catching up online this morning and stopped to get my Polka Dot fix and found all this beauty waiting for me...yay!
    I too ave had an online store for 2 years now and have barely set it up, wow what does that say about our lives huh? Well darn I figure if you can find the time so the heck can I, so next week I am going to give it a shot.
    Take care and now I have to see what else I have missed around here!
    Tina xo

  44. I love your I'm following you now! yeah me!

    stop by sometime....

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  45. Have been lurking for awhile, but this post just grabbed me. You are one talented lady! Wanda in Edmonton

  46. these are simply divine!!! LOVE THEM!

  47. Erum Group is a multinational group of companies with mainly Spanish capital, dedicated to the manufacture of Hangers direct and other plastic products, manufacture of wooden hangers and metal, recycling of plastic, waste management and environmental consultancy, the manufacture of parts in the automotive, promotional items, products of European army, among others, and manufacturing of plastic and paper bags.

  48. SunFine is manufacturing and offering different kinds of hangers that are durable, and are made of quality materials.

    Cheap metal hangers
    Satin padded baby hangers
    Cheap coat hangers
    Quality clothes hangers
    Wholesale wooden hangers

  49. JS Hanger Satin Padded Hangers from Bizarkdeal

    PERFECT!!! These hangers are super cute! Just the right size same as a normal size hanger. Packaged in clear thick plastic had to cut open with scissors, sure to be in good condition when shipped. Nicely padded to keep clothes from creasing at top/shoulder area. Hook will move and turn as well if needing to switch directions in closet. Even with a cute little satin bow.

    Great buy for the price! I love them for my evening wear.and special dresses.
