
August 4, 2011

Redoing A Piano Bench With Plaster Ornaments

I don't know about you, but my heart sings every time I see a piano bench in need of a redo

Don't you love when you find these at thrift stores or better yet, if you're lucky like me and a friend gives you one.....Free!

I painted it heirloom white then went to my newly (Oh I love it) organized fabric closet and choose a heavy weight fabric

Grabbed my plaster ornaments, walnut ink, and printed off vintage wallpaper from Graphics Fairy

And gave this old piano bench new life

Here is the tutorial on how to make the plaster ornaments I attached with E-6000 glue

You know how people say "She's as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside"?

I Mod Podged vintage wallpaper from Graphics Fairy, then sprayed some walnut ink to age it

And used my new ruffler foot and ruffled up some muslin to cover the inside edge of the fabric

She's all ready for my booth at Orange Tree, I priced her at $45

Happy Creating!

Linking up with
 Miss Mustard Seed


  1. What a beauty - and an excellent price too. The vintage wallpaper printed from Graphics Fairy is new to me - I will have to try it. Thanks for the info.

  2. Very pretty! I love how you made the inside pretty too!

  3. Don't know if my heart sings every time I see a piano bench, however, it just may after I saw this beautiful redo! Great job Carol. I love the plaster appliques idea and will try that sometime.

  4. Very pretty Carol and a real bargain at $45.


  5. I love the plaster ornaments! I have tried many times to make them but yours seems to work well. I got all the supplies and now just need to find some things to make the molds from. I have a really ornate dresser that I'm going to try for a mold. I also like how you organized your fabric, I'm a bit of a fabric-holic and never seem to be able to get it under control!

  6. $45 is a bargin! Great job, it's beautiful...
    You should do the Fancy Flea with us! Think about it.

  7. Great, now I have to add piano bench to my list of things I must find! You did a beautiful job.

  8. I love it! You did a great job on this bench :)

  9. It's lovely, wow...what a transformation!! I like that vintage wallpaper too.


  10. Carol ~ That is gorgeous!! Your price is so good for all of
    the work you put in to it ~ You won't have it for long :)

  11. awww, this is lovely,, just lovely,,

  12. Oh Carol, she's a beauty! You completely transformed her.

  13. Morning Carol!
    Love your are just the talented one and my role model! The bench is lovley.
    Love the painting redo too!
    I'm off to a church sale...LOL!! Bad girl I am!!

  14. Beautiful makeover! I wish someone would just give me a piano bench. I've been searching the thrifts for one, because our piano doesn't have one. Love how you prettied up the inside, too. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Once again I am in awe Carol! You have the amazing ability to take something so mundane and ordinary and turn it into an object that will be treasured for years to come!
    Thanks for the great tutorial on plaster molds, I am definitely going to give it a try soon!
    Happy crafting sweet lady!
    Tina xo

  16. Beautiful!! Love the fabric...
    Have a wonderful day!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  17. You are something else! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE-IT! Don't you just love Graphic's Fairy Stuff?

    Love old benches...old stuff...old junk...

    Move here! We'd have a ball!


  18. Oh Aunt Carol, isn't that just Sweet almost makes you not want to sit on it...It's so pretty....I do think my favorite is the Surprise Ruffles on the inside...what a Sweet touch...Now I think I must go out and learn how to play the Piano... : )

    We have an old Pump I will have to remember this...

  19. You are quickly becoming one of my most favorite blogs :) Your creativity is very impressive!

  20. Carol - WOW!!!!!

    You are the MOST creative person ever! This is just amazing! Love the Before & After transformation! :)


  21. Absolutely fabulous!! You always amaze me!! I have got to find some cool things to make plaster molds with. I bought one, and they turned out but are pretty uneventful...unlike yours that are gorgeous!!

    Thank you once again for the inspiration Carol!

    Oh and the thrift shop painting...yet another incredible idea that I would never have thought of!! It turned out beautifully!!

    Hugs to you! Would love to grab that cup with you in the next couple of weeks!!

    Have a delightful evening and a fun Friday!

  22. I wondered what you were going to use the wallpaper for. I should have known. I love the inside as much as the outside.

  23. Wow, Carol - what an absolutely beautiful transformation. If I ever come across an old piano bench, I'll have to scoop it up and try your technique. :)

    I hope you don't mind, but I tagged you for an award:


  24. I Carol,
    well, you did it again my friend. Another success story and a beauty at that!
    When you get a chance, please send me your address, I have something for you, Char

  25. Wow, Carol. It is so pretty and feminine now! I really like it.

  26. Absolutely beautiful! You amaze me!

  27. Looks great! I really love it. Your fabric closet makes me jealous, I have fabric drawers..and bags... and I can't see all of my pretty fabric the way you can! Fabulous :)

  28. I had not been here to visit lately and it was fun to see all of the great projects you have been doing. You are a very creative lady, of course you know that don't you. Thanks for the tutorial on making plaster ornaments. I hope to try that sometime soon.

  29. So VERY pretty!!

    Deborah...visiting from

  30. Wow Carol....can i have "my" bench back?? LOL ... i knew you could turn that ugly thing into something beautiful and you sure did! Price it deserve it! warmly, sunny

  31. You certainly have a magic wand that you wave over old tired treasures. Could you wave it over me? This piano bench is gorgeous. Once again you have created a swan from an ugly duckling. Sunshine Summer Smiles...

  32. You are so wonderfully creative, Carol! This is such a beautiful transformation!

  33. The difference between BEFORE and AFTER is jaw-dropping!!! Great transformation!!!

  34. Oh my heavens darling this is simply fabulous! Love, love, love. Your attention to detail is superb!

  35. Hi Carol, I just love your bench and so perfectly awesome with the plaster designs. I am designing my piano bench and have been planning it for awhile, just been too busy to begin. Too many projects in front of it but now I am inspired to take the time and get it done.
    Thank you for sharing your creation. All things shabby, old and repurposed is my world!! You are amazing.

    Thank you for stopping by and good luck in my giveaway.
    XO Celestina Marie

  36. That is a wonderful redo,Carol. I really like the fabric you used. I like that you went the extra step and made the inside pretty too. Shannon

  37. Great job on the bench and yes, I did see that we got trashed by Debbie.

  38. Your makeovers are just marvelous. I have plans to do some altered books some day, yours are so pretty. Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by to say hello!

  39. Hi Carol, I have always wanted to try those plaster embellishments are such an inspiration for all of us. You should be on that new show called the "picker Sisters" you would be a perfect fit!
    I just used one of your tutorials to redo a chair--pop over to my blog All in my Cottage to take a peek:)

  40. Thanks for the presentation, it was absolutely super, i was surprised to read this fabulous post.Keep up the good work.

    Upright Pianos
