
July 23, 2012

Painting Metal Frames and Google +

I wanted to pick your brains about Google + but, first I'll show you a little transformation

I love when I find these old Italian frames with the domed glass, they are always a great seller in my booth at Orange Tree

I've tried selling them just as I find them, but they don't sell

Until I give them a couple coats of Rust-Oleum Heirloom white paint and a slight sanding

The Rose prints are from a 1983 Avon calendar book

I put these in my booth at Orange Tree

And priced them at $12 for the large ovals and $6 for the small ones...I actually sold one as I walked in the door to put them in my booth.

Now, Help me out here with Google +....I have a few readers, Sue E., Claudia, Kathy, and a few others.  You leave the nicest comments and I feel so bad that there is no way I can get back to you!  When I click on your name on the comment you left I get the Google + profile............ 

Since I am not in your "Circles" there is no way to get to you or your blog and you are "Blogger no reply"

Now, there is some Google + profiles I can get to, when I click on "About" in the profile their blogs show up, I can then click on the blog title and leave a comment

If you have left a comment on my blog and I have not returned the comment (I reply to every comment unless you have a post I have already commented on) please hit my email button or  leave your blog name or email, it honestly keeps me up at night when someone has been so kind to take the time to leave a comment and I cannot get back to you or your blog

I imagine if I can't leave a comment, no one else can either?  

If anyone has any suggestions about this new Google + format, share your knowledge, we'd all appreciate it?

UPDATE- Thank you to Kathy and Claudia, here is what you have to do if you have Google +.  In your profile the "About" section, you have to input the information, that way when we go to a google + profile we can click on "About" and your blog address will appear! 

Happy Creating!


  1. It's not me, is it, Carol? I get emails all the time, so I'm hoping not because I don't even think if have the Google +. Let me know if its me {kpassarete(at)yahoo(dot)com}.

    These frames are beautiful! They would catch my eye even in their original state, but I'd probably wind up painting them, too. Good old Heirloom White!

  2. Your frames are wonderful, thanks for sharing your tips about fixing them up!! I am hardly one ot give advice about google! I have seen requests from people asking me to joing their circle? Not really sure how this even happens :)


  3. I have seen that message also and I have no idea what I am supposed to do about it. I will be interested to see what people say!

  4. Love the frames! I have done those n black with silhouette inserts. I did learn that some of those w/ the domed glass have the old print glued to the glass..lots of soaking and scraping..also learned the edge of the glass is really sharp! Ouch! No clue about the comments problem. I know for awhile, I had trouble commenting while in Internet Explorer but when I used Google Chrome, there was no issue!

  5. Isn't it funny how a little paint takes those from worthless to wanted? They look so sweet with their makeover1 ~ Maureen

  6. Frames done your style are gorgeous. Google + and clue! We are merely supposed to follow the flock and never question I suppose. I too will be interested in what you find out. Beautiful transformations dear...

  7. Love the frames and now know what to do with a couple I have! Also, Heirloom of my favorites.
    Not sure about the Google thing, but I think you have replied to me although I do not have a blog.
    Have fun,

  8. Love those frames--the white makes them look great. I don't get Google and circles and all that. I guess I'm happy with my little blog--but I always wonder about these people with a zillion followers.

  9. Love your rose pictures.

    That is so odd, Carol. I posted about the same exact thing on my blog today. Some of those comments don't even come through my email like 90% of them do...and I think it is the ones that have a NoReply thing on their blog? It makes me feel bad, too- xo Diana

  10. The only circles I know about are from good ol' geometry in school and the ladies fellowship groups that are sometimes called "circles" at church. I think you'll have to find someone younger that will be able to explain it! As I'm no longer in that category, TTFN!♥♫

  11. Those are fantastic mirrors with your makeover of course. I am still learning google plus myself. Seems people are really getting into it more. However, if someone does not have a blog it would be nice if they have the reply option so you can say hey thanks for stopping by.

  12. So pretty! I don't know how you come up with all of these ideas. You must have a gift!

  13. I love what you've done to the frames Carol. I've had the same problems with the darker metal frames, they don't sell until I give them a face lift.
    I know what you mean with the Google+ format. I get comments from a few followers and I'm taken directly to this new page. Since I know who they are, I know how to get to their blogs to comment, but this isn't always the case with people I'm not familiar with. Frustrating because I want to comment back too.

  14. Great post Carol. First of all LOVE your frames - I love the phrase one commenter put from worthless to wanted.
    I think the more we spread the word on Google+ the more people share information on their pages the better. Perhaps too if we share frustrations with those who designed Google+ they could adjust this feature. I suppose it is their way to get people to join in.

    Hope you have a blessed week!

    Google+ person

  15. Beautiful frames.. You are right, about these frames when not painted or as is. They look better painted for sure. Cindy

  16. I LOVE your frames! Beautifully done dear! :D I have no idea about Googe+, though I probably have it, I stay clear of anything technical :) Good luck trying to figure it out! :D


  17. darling frames, carol! and i'm like you, i've run into this problem and have no clue how to fix it:(

  18. Another great idea!!! I "had" that same avon calendar..not any more :(
    Have no idea about google + ...
    Thank you so very much for praying for "ME" is just a huge shock...

  19. Paint really brings out the details in these frames. I always end up painting them. I haven't done much with google+. I know I should, cause I'm getting more and more comments from it.

  20. I love the frames, and I couldn't agree more that a little paint just gives something a whole new look.

    As for google +, I'll have to read your other comments because I'm completely at a loss about it too.

    I really don't want to change to it. I like the way I currently am just fine.

  21. Painting the frames makes a huge difference. I know I need to learn to change things. I have a big thrift store and I could get things if I knew I could 'freshen' them up.

  22. Amazing what paint will do huh? They look lovely! I can't help with the google thing I'm lost on that one. Traci

  23. I love those frames painted. I have a few of those.. now I know what I could/should do with them.
    Great color..need to get me some of that too. I've had someone else tell me she couldn't reply, but I've never figured out what I need to do to make that happen.
    I just assume you did!!! Ha.

  24. Good morning Carol,
    I truly appreciate all your effort to stay connected with those who visit your site. The information in the 'about' section of Google+ has to be added in by the individual - I suppose some sign in or transfer their ID from Blogger without realizing it - I did that a while back thinking it was inevitable - one of those changes made by Blogger.
    Hope you have a blessed day,

  25. Hi Talented Lady:
    I am Google illiterate..sorry can't help you. I'm still trying to make my blog nice since they changed the format! LOL
    LOVE your frames. I never seem to find domed oned. Frames are a big hit in my Etsy shop. Anything looks better with Heirloom white.

  26. Hi Carol,
    The painted frames are always a great pick me up for those old oval designs. I love using the heirloom white spray paint too. Your group turned out fabulous and you already sold one, but I bet the rest since this post.

    I have also seen this with google and it is confusing as to how to visit these blogs. I feel the same as you. I hate not being able to return a visit. Maybe you can reply to them right in your own comment box addressing them. Of course that doesn't help to see what they are doing or up to on their blog. I am not much help here.

    Have a creative day.
    XO CMD

  27. Kathy of A Delightsome Life may be on to something. I have seen something about combing the blogger and google+ profile. I don't think I am combined since my blogger profile pic and my google profile pic are different. I wonder if everyone just opened their email for replies that would help? We need to make it as easy as possible for everyone to converse with us. That's where a lot of fun takes place, behind the scenes. LOL!

    Love the frames, I am adding that to my Clever Carol Catalog of Creative Crafts. How 'bout that?

    Hugs, Ginger

  28. Hello Carol, Your framed roses are lovely, I see why they sell. Also, your Google question is something that I have been running into, too. It is frustrating when you want to answer someone, or you get a new follower and you can't even thank them for following. What's up with that?

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for the information that you left about comments and email. I know that my readers do not get my replies, that's is why I visit their blogs and leave them there, too. It might be simpler to have them go through to their email (actually I do not know how to do that). The other side is, I might get in the habit of hurrying through my day and not visiting everyone that leaves a comment . . . this way I always see their latest post . . . and I do not miss out. For that reason, I'm not sure if I want to change over. Have a marvelous week (I would still like to know how you set that up . . . I have some friends that want me to help them set up a blog, and they might want to use that option). Thanks so much. Connie :)

  29. Hi Carol, these frames are beauties and so is the Avon book. Now as to comments, I can't even reply to your comments because you
    are NO REPLY so other than leaving a comment on your posts, which I always do, how does one reply to those comments? As far as Google +, this whole thing confuses me. I still haven't totally figured out facebook yet. Too much for an old dog to learn sometimes.

  30. Hi Carol! Your frames are really lovely!

    Hope you will stop by for my fun glass platter giveaway. It's so unique!

    And would be delighted for your to link to Potpourri Friday this week!

  31. Those frames are just so charming! Must find a few and do some painting and sanding. :-)

  32. Hey Carol, I was buying some spray paint the other day and saw Heirloom White and guess whose name came to mind right away? :) xoxo

    I am probably the only one but I don't want to mess with google +. I just can't keep up with it all. And I do have the "no reply" thing not working on my blog and as a result lots of people leave comments in my email box instead of on the blog. sigh....'s a big huge deck and that's why we have put off redoing it for so long. I wish we had the extra money to really fancy it up but for now it will be put back the way it was, only with the safety issues taken care of. The deck is way high up too. Tomorrow I am going out to look for several cool looking finials to put on the railings to at least dress it up a bit more. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Love...

  33. Ohhh, I love these! Darling!

  34. Beautiful! I've just discovered your lovely blog, and am now following...
    So nice to meet you!

  35. I have two of these frames I was just going to get rid of...never THOUGHT about painting them. Duh! Thanks soo much for this!!
    I'm always amazed at people who respond to every comment. I'd go crazy if I did that. I suppose that's why I don't get a lot of comments but with 3 little kids, I just can't do it all. Still, I truly appreciate those of you who do!!!!

  36. Thank goodness for people who can see the potential in plain, ordinary things. Don't you love it when it inspires others to think outside the box? Those frames are too cute! I've got a mirror that is similar in style to yours but it is black and I don't do black. So, some white paint and some glazing will be transforming that little baby :)
