
August 29, 2013

I'm Going To Be A Vendor At The Fancy Flea November 2, 2013

I'm so excited to tell you about my next adventure.  

I am going to be a vendor at the Fancy Flea for the second time November 2, 2013.  The Fancy Flea is a show that is loaded with shabby vendors.  Romantic Homes Magazine listed it as one of the top 10 flea markets in America!  It started 6 years ago and has grown to over 300 vendors.  It's advertised as a 
"Vintage Home And Garden Show"

It was previously held in the cute little historic town of Lakeland, Florida, an hour south of Orlando but, the Flea has outgrown the small town of Lakeland and is moving for the first time to the fairgrounds in Plant City, Fl. 
There will be tons of parking and acres of Shabby Vendors

It will be great to be able to set up the night before instead of at 4am the morning of the show and it won't be wall to wall people

Look at this booth by "Chic to Antique" at the 2011 show, the vendors go all out with their cute booths

 The last time I did the Flea was in April 2011.  It was the first and last show I have ever done.  I was so nervous and excited, you can read about it HERE.  

Oh Don't we hate pictures of ourselves...I'm much prettier and younger now lol! 

Make the picture small so no one can see you!

The show was more fun than I could have ever imagined and I sold just about everything! 

Now, as much as I loved doing the Flea, I had to conceed that I could not do it again without a lot of help.  Those of you that do shows know how labor intensive and physically exhausting they are!

So.....I'm partnering with someone.  Yes, there will be plenty of help setting up and selling at the 
Fancy Flea

So, who am I partnering with????

OOP's ..The Blog meter just ran out, I'll have tell you on my next post.

Psst...To the handful of blog friends I've told, don't spill the beans!

Happy Creating


  1. Oh you meanie! Ha-ha! I look forward to reading about this new adventure and seeing LOTS of pics- okay!? I sure wish there were shows like that near to me.

    Hey, I'm younger and cuter now , too. Join the club. Ha-ha! ♥

  2. Carol, best of luck, I know you will have a great time. I would do it if I was closer.

  3. Wonderful! Good luck to you! I have been to Plant City for the yummy strawberries but live too far away now to attent the wonderful show you will be at! Nancy

  4. You are keeping yourself very BUSY!!! It's nice to have a partner to do a show with!
    Much sucess!


  5. Hooray! I am so happy for you. I wish that I lived in that part of the country. I would buy all of your lovely's. Here too hot,dry,dry,dry.
    Utah is burning!

  6. You're too funny! Can't wait to hear. I'm sure you'll be a smash again. I'm going to check out your old post, I need all the help I can get with my first show next weekend!

  7. It looks like a great show! Wish I lived closer. :)

    Have a great weekend.

  8. You know the only reason you almost sold out, don't you? It's all that fabulous "stuff" you show us that the people love! Too bad I'm not closer, as I'd offer to help just for the fun of it! And I know it must be tons of work to set up, sell, and then clean up afterwards. Best of luck to you.♥♫

  9. You are SUCH a brat! Gonna make me wonder about WHO you are partnering with!!! Congrats on doing the show-I know it will be worth all the work-now-let's pray for perfect weather- xo Diana

  10. I will definitely be there!!

    Amy Jo

  11. What fun to do a show like this. Wishing you much success.

  12. Oh, it looks like such a fun event and I live too far away to be a part of it :(
    Glad that you have found someone to do the event with but you're such a stinker!! ;)

  13. Boy, would that be a fun road trip! It is on my birthday weekend too....hmmm, I up for an 18 hour car trip? I think it would be a blast, of course you will sell out whatever you bring, your stuff is awesome :)


  14. Good for you! Wish I was closer, I'd be there for sure!

  15. Oh I wish I could go! That looks like so much fun. I have a guess who you might be partnering with--hmmm...wonder if I'm right. Have fun getting ready!

  16. Congratulations! I wish I could go!

  17. Doing the markets is a lot of work, but a whole lot of fun too. I'm so glad you are giving it another go.

  18. A little far away from France ! So bad ! Here in France we don't have shabby flea markets : shabby chic is not really well know, but hopefully we do have the shabby chic magazine translated and sold everywhere. I hope you'll put a lot of pictures !!! you look cute on the picture with the little French apron...



  19. I would love visiting your booth among all the others!

  20. Carol that is fantastic and sounds like a ton of fun!! I can tell just from some of those pictures my wallet would take a serious hit!! Have a blast and good luck


  21. Yeah for you Carol on the next show. I already know the hard work and mine isn't until mid November. I have been working my behind off and have inventory everywhere. It's driving me crazy to be so disorganized. I hope I have as good as luck as you did at your first.xoxox

  22. If I could, I would be there, for sure.
    You looks soo pretty on the picture.

    Hugs from here

  23. Looking forward to see what you'll come up with. I know it will rock!

  24. Carol, I will be there and look forward to seeing you.

  25. You are so naughty. I can't wait to see what your put into your booth. I know it will be fabulous. xoGinger

  26. I'll be seeing you there Carol!

    Sylvia :)

  27. This is such a teaser...too far across the states for me to attend. Congratulations Dear you know how to Fancy Flea...
