
August 5, 2013

The Secret To Selling Frames

I sell a lot more frames than pictures in my antiques booth and when I did the series about selling antiques, "What Sells and What Doesn't", It seems many of you do too.

Pictures are hard to sell since they have to appeal to a customers specific style, color, taste, and decor.......

......But frames are a good seller!

  I previously used vintage sheet music or old copied pictures as a frame filler

The problem with filling the frames with anything, is that customers still thought I was selling a picture


Wandering around an antique store one day I saw a vendor had filled her frames with doilies....

Eureka.....Now the customers knew what was for sale.....THE FRAME, not a picture of sheet music or an old photo.  

As soon as I tried this I started selling frames like crazy!   I thought I would pass it on........I just can't keep a good secret!

Happy Selling!


  1. This is so cool! Thanks for sharing that tip with us...I would have never thought about it. You are right about pictures being so personal and specific...the "wrong" picture could turn someone off from buying a great frame.

  2. That is such a GREAT idea! Thanks!!! xo Diana

  3. That is so clever! I'm glad you can't keep a secret.

  4. That's a great idea and looks so beautiful. I don't have a booth or store but I'm sure all sellers will love that tip. It's so sweet of you to share it.

  5. The frames looks amazing with your idea. I also love that little desk under here. You made it so beautiful.

    Hugs from here

  6. What a brilliant Idea. Often, from a shoppers point of view, I wouldn't buy a Frame because I simply didn't like the picture in it. the picture always drew my eye and mind away from the frame. Great selling point.
    Having said that the frames with the doilies look like a wonderful display in their own right.

  7. Carol, what a great idea. Me being an artist, I never look at the picture but only the frame but I guess not everyone does that. I love your idea though. Thanks for posting.

  8. OK, number 1, that's a great idea. Number 2, I think the doilies look so pretty that I might just leave them that way if I bought it.

  9. You are so right. Even when I am shopping for a frame I have a hard time looking past what is in it. This is a great solution.

  10. What a cute idea! Pretty frames, too!

  11. what a great idea!!!!!!

  12. What a FAB idea! I too have the same issue with people thinking the filler means I"m selling a picture. Thanks for your always generous sharing.

  13. Oh thanks! It's been a long time since anyone told me a secret! :)

  14. I like the doilies in the frames and might buy one just to keep "as is"-if I were shopping in your booth!♥♫

  15. I love this idea. I have the same problem, I want the frame to look nice and have something in it, but the picture is always too specific and the first thing people notice. I'm making a trip to the party supply store to get some doilies in all sizes. Thanks Carol!

  16. *Excellent tip*
    I'm on it!
    Thanks, Carol!

  17. GREAT IDEA! I have a lot of frames needing to go up on Etsy but they just weren't exciting. Now they will be awesome. Thanks for the tip. xoGinger

  18. Aren't some of the best ideas some of the most simplistic? A cross between a "duh" moment and wow, why didn't I think of that? lol

  19. Question: does the frame need to be painted white? If a conglomeration of frames that were wooden, metal, black, brown, etc,etc, were put together, would that still work? Or should that conglomeration all be painted white?
    Thanks, Trishia

  20. Merciful heavens! Is that crazy or what? Here I am struggling to sell all these frames and wondering why I can't. How simple and easy - go figure. Thanks, as usual, for your profound insight.

  21. What fantastic idea and solution!


  22. Carol,
    Love the frames and love the doilies as fillers.....Great idea!!


  23. Can't wait to try this idea! It gives the grouping of frames such a beautiful, cohesive look. I have used scrapbook paper with stripes or small prints and that seems to work well. Keep sharing those secrets - we love them!

  24. This is what blogging is wonderful for...sharing great ideas! These frames look fabulous with doilies! I am also thinking of an idea that this inspiration has given me for my stamped book pages. Thank you dear...

  25. Brilliant and attractive idea, thanks for telling us about it. I am not sure if the doilies are paper or cloth, but either way the effect is pretty.

  26. Are they paper doilies and not fabric?

    great look!

  27. I'm one of your newest your blog. You have so many wonderful ideas I would like to try.

  28. Great idea! I just signed up for a booth in a newly opened antique mall. You were the inspiration to get me going. Thank you! I hope I can be half as successful as you! Mimi

  29. Good idea! But I would bet that most people who buy the frames, never add anything...they LIKE THE DOILIES in them. I will try it in my area and see.

  30. Great idea Carol. Thanks for sharing your secret!


  31. What a great idea for selling frames. I actually love how the doilies look in them. Your ideas and tips are always great. Have a wonderful day!
    ~ Jamie

  32. Love it Carol, great idea to sell frames this way. They are so pretty with the doilies.

  33. Your frames look just gorgeous with the paper doilies! I never would have thought of that! I love hunting for interesting frames that I can paint and add to my shop. Now I am so excited that I can hardly wait to try out your idea! Thanks so much for sharing:)

  34. A couple of you have asked, and these are paper doilies from the dollar store


  35. I do love the doilys in the frames but I would also like the sheet music. That gives me an idea for that is I could find wall space! Nancy

  36. What a wonderful secret. Thanks for sharing!!!

  37. I always appreciate your "secrets"!
    The sidetable turned out lovely!
    Maybe you should write a book about all your "secrets"!

  38. Okay, I'm so borrowing this idea. I've been down the same road as you with how to fill them so people don't think I'm trying to sell a picture.


  39. Great idea Carol. When we opened our booth five months ago I loaded up on frames, all types and sizes. Painted some and left some original, and don't think I've sold a single one :) I might try a "white sale" with all white frames using the doilies.

  40. great idea I am filling my own frames with lace dollies

    they will look so good sitting around in my studio

  41. What a great idea! I love how the frames look with the doilies!

  42. I always put a paper in the frame that says "Frame 4 x 6" or whatever the size. I used to make copies of old photos but mostly I put a blank paper in the frame and they sell. I like your idea though, thanks for sharing.

  43. Thanks for the tip, what a cool idea, and cheaper, too! Love it!

  44. What a perfect tip! We probably all have doilies in our stash and this is great because even if they are imperfect you could still use them this way!

  45. Carol, you're so talented and such a giver! Thank you for sharing your "secrets" with the rest of us!

  46. Who would of thought it? Thanks for sharing! Will be trying this! Traci

  47. Hi, Carol
    This is an excellent idea for selling vintage frames. Yeah, sometimes when I buy a frame the vintage picture is kind of unique but not always the style I have in my house.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Teresa in California

  48. I not only the look but the idea behind the look. I don't sell in a booth or anything but It's a wonderful way to use precious laces that are to fragile to sew into projects and preserve them. Fabulous share as always. Thank you and hugs. Tammy

  49. great my friend Debbie says,"Sometimes you have to draw those dots reeeeally close together" (when I ask, "Why can't people see the possibilities in this great vintage piece?)

  50. You hit the nail on the head for our mall too. Frames sell with no photos or pictures and pictures or oils sell with no frames. Go figure. Doilies are a great idea.

  51. Your a very talented lady. What a FANTASTIC idea. It's very nice of you to share with us. I believe that what crafting is all about is sharing its very nice to see someone else feels the same. Thank you very much crafting hugs Bridget x

  52. Great Idea! Just Perfect, I will be eager to give it a try. Thanks, Kathy
