
November 16, 2014

Paint A Pillow Giveaway!

I was contacted by the fine people at "Paint-A-Pillow" inquiring if I would like to try Paint-a-Pillow AND do a giveaway for my readers......The answer was a resounding YES and YES!!  Paint-A-Pillow is a sister company of Cutting Edge Stencils

I was in need of new pillows so the timing was perfect!  I went to their site where I was able to choose from over 150 stencils and choose paint colors 

I used these paint colors to play mad scientist and got the colors I wanted with the help of their handy color mixing chart

When the box arrived I was more than impressed with the packaging 

The pillow case was already on the cardboard frame with the stencil attached over it by the gold clips........All centered and ready to go....This is a no fail project! 

I was able to use either a stencil brush or a roller

They turned out perfect!  The key was the pillow case frame and the ability to center the stencil perfectly with the gold clips

Here's the beauty of Paint-A-Pillow......Now that I have the frame, stencils, and tools, I can order just the pillow covers for $9.95 and order additional stencils or paint ala cart

This allows me to custom design my pillows...I pick the pattern and colors I want......No shopping around for the perfect pillow....I create it!

So here's the deal.....Paint-A-Pillow is giving away to one lucky reader a free Paint-A-Pillow kit, which includes everything needed to create one fabulous pillow

Just leave a comment and make sure there is some way I can contact you.  I am unable to contact some Google + readers. 
Some I can, and some I can't I have no idea why?  It always makes me feel bad when you leave kind comments and I can't get back to you.
This Giveaway is Now closed
I will draw a winner by Random Number on November 21, 2014
US residents only

Good Luck!
Happy Creating

I was compensated with product for this post, but the opinions are all mine


  1. I've been an avid stenciler since the early '90s. The transforming power of a tiny bit of paint and a stencil is AWESOME! I would sure love to win THIS, Carol.

    And your pillows turned out DREAMY!

    Hugs and happy week,

  2. Congratulations on being selected by "Paint-A-Pillow". Your pillows turned out gorgeous. This really does look like a no fail way to stencil fabric. Creative Pillow Bliss...

  3. This looks like such a fun project! You did a wonderful job with yours! I'd love to win!

  4. Wow! Your pillows turned out beautifully! I cannot decide which one I like better. You are incredibly talented and creative so I would expect you to do this project and make it look perfect, but the way they package their product DOES make it look like the average person (like me!) could do a good job with this as well.

    I've heard of Cutting Edge Stencils and been to their site before, off to check out their pillow stencils now!

    Good luck to everyone who enters this drawing!



  5. What lovely fresh-looking pillows.Pillows are a great way to add some sparkle to a room needing a "lift".
    I've never tried doing stencilling on fabric, but it looks good and do-able!
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. I have been stenciling since the 1800's (just kiddin') but I have always loved stenciling and have used it through out my home. The pillows and kits are awesome. Please throw my name in the hat! xo

  7. I have been stenciling since the 1800's (just kiddin') but I have always loved stenciling and have used it through out my home. The pillows and kits are awesome. Please throw my name in the hat! xo

  8. I love stencils and want to do pillows. This is wonderful, Carol. Count me in. I have to check out this website.

  9. Yours sure turned out pretty! I'll toss my hat into the ring! Thanks! ♥

  10. Hmmm..I think I could do this! I like to colors you used.
    Winter is here in MN :( can't get anyone to move to warmer state.

  11. This looks so fun and easy!
    I'd love to win a kit!

  12. How simple is this? Love the idea and I love your pillows. Thanks so much Carol for the opportunity to win!

  13. Another thing to learn to do!! (Jumping up and down with excitment)Thanks for the chance to win!!! :)

  14. Looks like a fun easy project :) I have used that same paint to stencil flour sack it!

  15. I love your tree branch and bird stencils! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  16. Wow, what a fabulous kit! It makes painting a pillow look so easy! Please enter me in your giveaway. :)

    screamingsardine at yahoo dot com

  17. Your pillows turned out beautifully! Great giveaway, count me in! Thank you, Carol!

  18. Carol, The pillows turned out wonderful! Keeping my fingers crossed for a win.

  19. What a clever kit! Looks like even I could do that. I may have to go ahead and order one and, on the slim chance that I win another kit, I can give it as a gift. Thanks for a great giveaway chance!

  20. What a cool way to add some pizzazz to your home, custom, too!
    Thank you for the lovely offer, please add me to the list of stencil-wannabes.

  21. What a cute giveaway and on my grandsons birthday. Please add my name.

  22. The beautiful pillows you created are a great testimonial for this product line...they are gorgeous! Please add my name, and then pick it!!

  23. Wow!!! Your pillows are beautiful. I am new to stenciling and I would love to win this kit. Marlene

  24. Such a cool give away, Carol! Thanks for the chance to win a pillow kit. I love the stencils and colors that you chose. Just lovely! ~ Jamie or

  25. I am so excited to see this idea in action. Your pillow is so beautiful. I love to use little birds in decorating and crafts. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

    Margaret Lambdin

  26. Oh my! I would LOVE to make one of these. I've been looking for a new craft to try! Thanks girlfriend! Hugs, Diane

  27. Oh my gosh!! This actually looks so easy!! For years I've avoided stencils on cloth for fear of messing up what I'm working on. But this looks amazing!!! Thank you for your easy to follow tutorial and chance to win!

    Jennifer... studioarthead [at] gmail [dot] com

  28. I am very impressed, the care a comapny takes in packaging and how it arrives, is a big plus for me when trying a new product. I have stenciled for years BUT never on fabric, I always have a fear of the paint turning out rough, not soft and supple. Your pillows look fantastic and definitely makes me want to take the plunge. Thank you for the great tutorial & information, please toss my hat into the ring, too!!

  29. Love your pillows especially the one with the birds. Will love to win.

  30. I am so glad that I have your posts sent directly to my email, because I would have hated to miss this post! Love this product and think I just might be able to pull this off. Your choice would work perfectly in my decor. Thanks for the opportunity to win a pillow kit. Here's crossing my fingers XXX.


  31. These are really lovely and I'm sure I'd really enjoy making some like this!

    honingharmony at gmail dot com

  32. Hi Carol, Love the pillows you created with the Paint a Pillow project. Congrats on being asked to share it. I know how fun this is having stenciled pillows myself but this system looks very interesting.
    I would love the design you used too. Great for year round decorating.

    I am a no reply blogger now but I know you have my address.
    Still had blog glitches and had to try changing some settings which helped to receive comments in my inbox again instead of the dashboard and spam. I was missing lots of visitors comments not seeing them etc. plus not getting the follow by email posts delivered. Finally received yours again.
    Hope this works now!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  33. This is a wonderful idea and your pillow came out great. I wonder if they carry Christmas patterns,

  34. Carol, Paint-A-Pillow seems a winner to me. I, for one, would love to give it a go. What about Paint-Your-Fabric as another idea? I'd love that for drapery and especially to create a statement wall in my newly re-designed bedroom closet.

  35. Your pillows look great - love the birds. Put me in:

  36. Hi Carol,
    This is the first time I've heard about this product and it looks like it would be so much fun! I love the ones that you created and if they come packaged like that then I'm in! I'm going to their site right now!


  37. Hello Carol, what a wonderful give-away. This is a really cool idea, what ingenious folks to package these kits. Like you said, you can create the perfect pillow and you never find the perfect pillow when you go out shopping for them. I've settled for second best many times. I feel honored to be included in your drawing and hope that I win. Of coarse that's what all of us are wishing. I'm going to have to visit their site.
    Here's wishing you a happy week.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)
    P.S. Your pillows turned out beautiful and you really pick pretty designs and colors. You have a designers eye, everything you do is gorgeous:)

  38. how cute and simple this is!! already set to go like that? Love it!!! It's been years since I've stenciled, but this looks like such a fun project!!

  39. What a fun and creative kit! You picked out two really good designs. I'm crossing my finger for luck in you giveaway! Thank you.

  40. I love the stencils you chose! This would be awesome, I would love to paint my own pillows, I love that it comes with a way to center the pillows so its easy to use over and over! WIN


  41. Love this giveaway, pillows are beautiful!!!

  42. Oh WOW!! These are amazing!! What a clever idea and I adore your choice of colours Carol

  43. your pillows are darling, carol:) you always share should great projects--thanks!

  44. The bird pillow would be perfect in our family room. What a great idea. Thanks to you and the company for a chance to win a pillow...

  45. I absolutely Love the pillows Carol! Wouldn't mind trying to make some myself... win or not :)

  46. They look great! I have a "thing" for damask patterns myself :)

  47. What a beautiful and fun project. I like that they have put it together so you can start right away. I must do this myself and also would love to win. Thank you for your inspiration. Nancy Carr

  48. I need more decorative pillows and these are really cute. Husband probably will not care for another project in the house. Oh, well. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  49. WOW!
    Yes, the items are absolutely amazing. But the package? Way too amazing.
    These things separate ordinary from extraordinary but I believe this goes two steps up on that ladder :)
    I won't enter the give away because it would be unfair the bothersome and expenses of sending it overseas when so many close by would have here a Dream Christmas Gift to enjoy and cherish.
    Thank you for sharing.

  50. What a great idea! I love it! Just so simple and all the mess taken out of the way!

    Would love to have one of these kits!
    BTW, these would make wonderful Christmas gifts!
    Thanks for sharing,

  51. How beautiful!! Love this method, and if I haven't posted it yet, your kitchen make over is spectacular!
    Take care, Karen

  52. Love the this! The pillows are gorgeous and I think can be used all year-round.
    contact me by replying or


  53. Wow what a great idea. I love that it comes with everything you need. Your pillows turned out beautifully.

  54. Love! Can't wait to try

  55. what a neat idea! i would love to win this!!! ~ cindy lanier

  56. I love it all. You make things easy. Looks so refreshing. I don't have a blog & just found you today. I will definitely be following your site. Linda
    My e-mail is

  57. This looks like fun! Please pick me! :D

  58. OMGosh love that idea.

    My Mom years ago did the paint on tea towels and pillow cases, this reminds me of her


  59. I took a stenciling course BC (before children) and loved it. Would love to give this a try for sure. What a spectacular idea. loseitforgood1 at gmail dot com

  60. how creative and fun, would love to win.

  61. Your pillow project turned out great ! I wanna try :) Thanks for the chance~

  62. Girl, you have the best ideas! These are awesome.
