
January 7, 2015

Recycled Wicker Chairs

It's a New Year and New Projects! 

I upcycled two wicker chairs and made box cushions.....Box cushions were a first for me.  Doesn't it always seem that the thing you dread doing the most....Usually out of fear...Turns out the best?

I started with two wicker chairs from the Habitat Re-store that had great bones

I brush painted them with chalk paint...A little tedious.  Then after a light distressing I finished with first, clear Minwax, then clear wax mixed with a small amount of Annie Sloan dark wax....I did'nt want it too dark.

Time for the cushions.  I read everything I could on making box cushions before I started.  Since I wanted a vintage farm house look I chose to use drop cloth for the fabric.  I even put a zipper in!

......I didn't trust my sewing skills enough to put in welting around the seams.....CHICKEN lol!

One tip I picked up in my research was to cut the fabric the SAME size as the foam, that way when I sewed the seams the fabric was smaller than the foam making a nice tight fit.

The tutorial on the stenciled pillows is HERE

And there you have it......Two farm house chairs.

I've also been busy working on the Polka Dot Flea.  It is only 5 months away!  And crazy me....We are going to blow this thing out....Triple it in size and add a day.

Yohoo...I'm in high speed heading into the New Year!

Happy Creating


  1. I have been thinking about making some cushions from a drop cloth too. I will take your advice and cut the cushions the same size as I never would have thought to do that. Your chairs turned out beautifully!

  2. The chairs are beautiful. Love them. This kind of chairs is so difficult to find in Norway, but I found one at last and painted it white.

    Hugs from here

  3. Very nice! So much better in white. Great tip on fitting the material. I also like your throw pillows. OM Gosh 5 months, that will fly by!
    Best ~ Mickie

  4. Love how your chairs turned out and bravo to you for tackling the box cushions. I adore the kind with fringe welting but I'm way too chicken to try it. Good to know about the size.
    Good luck with the expanded Polka Dot Flea. I know it will be a great success! I daydream about doing something similar with this old grange hall that is for sale in Pennsylvania at a terrific price. Except I don't live there and I question if the economy there could support something like that. Daydreams....

  5. They turned out so nicely, Carol. And thank you for the tip on sewing the cushions! Happy New Year and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.


  6. The chairs look great white, Carol. Such a nice refresh for them, too. Good for you for tackling a box cushion. I have two pillows here that have box covers that I'd like to update with new fabric, but just looking at them I find it intimidating. That would be a whole day (maybe whole weekend) project for me!

  7. They look really pretty Carol.
    I think you did a great job on the cushions.


  8. Nice looking chairs. Are they for your home? I think making the cushions would be tricky.

  9. Fabulous for you on the chairs and box cushions! The re-do looks great! Polka Dot Flea bigger and better than ever...Oh Yeah!!! Creative Bliss Indeed...

  10. Your chairs turned out great, Carol. Here is a tip for the welting. Use a zipper foot and stitch right next to your cord. Easy peasy. You are so ambitious with the Polka Dot Flea. I know this year will be an even bigger success for you. Happy new year.

  11. What a fabulous job on these chairs and cushions..

  12. eeeeks, adorable! love the cushions too!!!!

  13. The cushions are fabulous. I love the drop she fabric, I have always loved that colour. Now I can see cushions happening all over the house.

  14. Carol, fantastic job. I can't even sew on a button so I'm in awe of any sewing projects



  15. Sounds to be and looks like you have done this before. They turned out perfect and I like them much better painted.
    I have wanted to try box cushions also,it's the zipper thing that confuses me

  16. Hi Carol, Your cane chairs turned out fantastic. Love the distressed white and the cushions are perfect. Drop cloth is awesome.
    Looks like you are gearing up for the big sale in June. It will be wonderful and adding more vendors, it will be amazing. Have fun getting ready.


  17. the chairs are awesome, carol! and the cushions look great! love the snug fit tip:) enjoy prepping for your show!

  18. Your chairs look terrific!! You never cease to amaze me with your talent

  19. I love your chairs and the drop cloth cushions were a perfect choice. I'm so excited for you and the huge expansion for Polka Dot Flea this year.

  20. Hi Carol, The chairs turned out wonderful! I need to replace two boxed cushions but have been intimidated to make them myself.
    You did a great job.

  21. Carol, your chairs are lovely and thanks for that tip about cutting the fabric the same size. That is where I always go wrong and my cushions are always a bit loose. I guess I have a fear of getting them too small and then wasting fabric, but what you said makes so much sense. I can not remember if you have visited and got your name in for my Give-A-Way, but if not hurry on over. I'm celebrating my three year blogging birthday :)
    So, happy to hear that you are continuing your Polka dot Flea :)
    Connie :)

  22. Que gran trabajo me gusta la restauración y tu trabajo es estupendo , te invito a mi blog que es variado


  23. Wonderful job ! It's often our thoughts which frighten us ! Difficult to be confident !
    Many xoxo from PARIS dearest Carol

  24. Chair looks great! Thanks for the cutting tip…I was worried about making my loveseat cushion covers too small and they look dreadful…all loose and messy. Disgusting. If you want to do zippers, just look at how they are done on your own furniture and copy it. Go for it.
    I enjoy your blog a whole lot. Keep up the good work!
