
July 14, 2011

Transforming Dresses And Packing My Bags

I have my dresses altered and my bags packed

I am off on vacation to the exotic location of Minneapolis, Minnesota my hometown.  I hear the snow has melted and I am excited to visit family and friends

Why so many bags you ask?  I am going antiquing with my blog friend Garage Sale Gal, Deb.  She visited my booth when she was in Orlando and I'm going to visit her's in Minnesota...How cool is that!

I needed some new clothes to pack and realized it was time for a little shopping trip...

I found this dress and loved it but, it was way to long.

When I cut off the bottom I ended up with some strips of fabric

I ran a basting stitch and then gathered and pinned them in a random design on the bodice

I did this all at night, hence the crummy pictures!

I pinned the strips in place and then machine sewed them on

Since this was a knit material I didn't have to worry about the raw edges unraveling

I loved this next dress because it fit like a glove but, was a little to plain and of course to long

I used my ruffle foot and gathered ribbon

Hemmed the dress, and I'm ready to go!

Oh, guess who else packed her bags????

She went to a blog follower that emailed and said she wanted her?!

Lets all wish her....Insert creepy music.....Well!

See you in a week

Happy Creating


  1. How exciting to get to make a fun trip! I know you'll enjoy seeing family and friends AND Deb! How cool is that? She is such a sweetie! Give her a hug for ME! And what cute dresses! You're so smart...and chic! ♥

  2. LOL this is an adorable post. I hope you have a great time visiting your family and firends! :D

    Ricki Jill

    PS: I was a little concerned at first because I thought you had packed the creepy head for your trip ;P

  3. Love the ruffles! Have a great trip!

  4. Oh, lucky you! Deb is such a sweetie & you both will have a grand time together. Love how re-created those dresses, really pretty.

    Give Deb a big hug for me & enjoy your trip.

    Happy PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  5. You are amazing! Have fun. LOVE THE MAKEOVER on the dresses!

    Now..if you EVEAH see typos again EMAIL ME. I'm soooo terrible at proofing my own work. I mean it. TELL ME EVERY SINGLE TIME I booboo up!


  6. Cute dresses, Carol!

    Have fun in MN. I'm actually trying to move back there. Lived in Fergus Falls for a few years and miss it terribly.

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  7. I too thought you were packing creepy lady for your trip and I was like WTH!?

  8. You're a woman after my heart,, I love to alter my clothes as well and sometimes i do it even if I don't have too,, these dresses look so much better,, love them.Have the very best of vacations,,

  9. Oh, I know you'll have such fun. Say "HI" to Deb. Ya'll take plenty of pictures to share when you return!!!

  10. have fun Carol! xo

  11. Someone bought Creepy Lady? That's so great!
    I'm yet again amazed at your eye and your skill. I love the way you remade those dresses. I can do stuff like that in my head, but it rarely comes out that way in my hands.

  12. Pretty ingenious with the dresses & they're cute too! Have a great time & I am happy that the doll head has finally left the building.

  13. you are a magician! you worked some magic there with those cute, now darling dresses, and as for creepy head... I wish her well.

  14. lol at creepy lady! I home she doesnt manage to crawl out the box on her way to her new home ;o) Hope you have a fabulous time Scarlett x

  15. Have a great vaca in Minnesota. I'm sure you and Deb will have lots of fun and laughs...she is a sweetie! Your dresses are now designer originals and you'll look smashing! Have fun...take lots of pictures!

  16. Hi Carol!
    You are so darn cute! I just love you and your wonderful sense of humor. I'm so glad that the creepy lady is getting a new home.

    I love what you've done with your new frocks. You'll be cute as a button.

    Have a wonderful trip.


  17. You are really so creative.
    I never would have thought to do this to the dresses. That pink really makes the black pop!
    But my favorite is the denim.
    Have fun!

  18. Carol, I hope you have a fantastic trip visiting your hometown. Sometimes going home is all I ever need, if even for a short bit.

    Have fun!! Can't wait to see the pics when you get back,

  19. I came back by to see your studio. WHERE IS IT! WHERE OH WHERE OH WHERE IS IT!


  20. You always give me so much inspiration. I actually just acquired one of those kinds of vintage suitcases. Can't wait to do something with it! Thanks for your sweet comment about my studio.

  21. Hi Carol,
    Cute dresses...I think I may have to find something cute for me to wear...I thought creepy girl was coming too ~ LOL!!!
    See you soon! I'm ready to SHOP!!!
    Keeping Cool,
    deb :)

  22. LOL Carol, I am reading the comments and laughing but it is 4:30 and I need to go to bed so I can get up in time to go see Harry Potter tomorrow night. I love all your bags and the table below is just awesome!!!

  23. Hi, Carol. Have a great trip. Be safe Can't wait to see what you find. What beautiful alterations you did on your dresses. I love them. Shut that box lid and get creepy lady out of here!

  24. Carol, I love those dresses, they are just so cute with your little touch. Glad to see creeper gone, now maybe you can get some sleep with both eyes closed. Enjoy your trip. I am still on vaca, but miss my blogging buds and had to come say Hi.

  25. Oh, how fun! Hope you have a wonderful time. LOVE the dress.

    Thanks for stopping by, Carol. It's good to connect with another lover of lime. I actually like lemons even better but these cupcakes were unreal.

    Enjoy your trip.

  26. Have a GREAT trip Carol!!! We need to get together after you get back! Miss seeing you!!!

  27. Witty posting! Have fun Carol! I hope you find lots of treasures while junking in Minnesota! :)


  28. Good bye creepy lady! Glad she is going to a good home! ( :
    Look at you dolling up those dresses!
    Have a wonderful , safe and FUN trip!
    Have a PRETTY day!

  29. Hi Carol, I hope you are having a Wonderful time!! Geesch, I take that many Suitcases on a normal trip with no shopping planned..right!! I love what you did to your dresses, I'll take a dress or a skirt over shorts any old day! I am sorry you are so sad about Creepy Lady, I always thought she looked like Tammy Faye Baker!! I know she will miss you too!! Candlesticks turned out great, Thank~You for all your help!! Very heavy....could probably kill someone come to think of it!! :)
    I can't wait to hear about your trip and see more of your lovely pics!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  30. Hi Carol!
    Thanks for entering my summer giveaway. You're a winner! Please email me your address. Hope you're enjoying your time in MN.

  31. love your dresses and the pics of your shop.
    what part of mpls did you grow up in? i graduated from spring lake park high in ne mpls

  32. I know I'm a little late to comment but have to tell you how great those dresses are! You had me laughing so hard about creepy lady too!!! Take care :)
