
April 11, 2013

The Perfect Shabby Cabinet

I love, love, love, this!!!  As a matter of fact, when I finished transforming this little cabinet..... I knew I had to keep it.

My daughter in law was visiting for a week and we had sooo much fun thifting, junking, and antique store shopping....Oh my, we got tons of great stuff!

I couldn't wait to start on this little cabinet we found for $20 in a junk yard

It was a little plain so I added, plaster beads down the side, they were made in a gum paste mold, tutorial HERE.  Then I added two plaster roses, tutorial HERE.   And finished with spackle cake decorating on the outside of the roses, tutorial HERE.

Now's when it comes to life!!!

 I used homemade chalk paint which was a mixture of plaster of paris, a touch of water, and heirloom white paint.

Then finished with dark wax to bring out the flower and bead detail.  I used Annie Sloan dark wax which I mix with clear Minwax. I find the AS wax too dark on it's own, so I lighten it a little with the clear wax.

Almost done.........For the finishing touch I added wallpaper to the interior

Then stood back and fell in love!

Now, where to put it?  My house is so small that I can't add anything unless I get rid of something......Hum...How about here? Ugg on the air vent, a necessary ugly?

This wine rack was a gift from my son many years ago so, I'm not getting rid of it, just storing it in the attic for awhile.

I think the cabinet looks perfect here under my teapot picture.  I saw that picture on my friend Sissies' blog a couple years ago.  I loved it so much I ran right out and bought it.

Guess what.......The wine fits perfect in my little cabinet!  

Momma's got her wine!!! 

Actually, I don't like the taste of wine lol!   But, every time someone comes for dinner they bring a bottle, how sweet is that!

I'm in love!

Yep, I'm keeping it!  I seldom keep furniture pieces that I buy with the intention to flip and sell

Those of you that sell, how often do you finish a project and decide to keep it?

Happy Creating!

PS:  I am going to do a post on vintage wedding veils on 4/29.  If you have vintage wedding veils and would like to do a post on the 29th email me and we could all link our posts to each other.


  1. I just love it!! I had to pin it to my Awesome furniture board!

  2. You've worked your magic on that sweet cabinet and it looks perfectly at home there! It wouldn't be happy living with anyone else. Pinning from you AGAIN!

  3. What a cute little cabinet, Carol! You've transformed it beautifully! Love the embellishments and the new color really suits it.

  4. It came out gorgeous. Love it.

  5. Carol-That is one of the sweetest pieces of furniture I have seen lately. OMGOSH-$20? Did you about do backflips when you found it? I would have snapped it up,too. I love the lines of it and what you did with it- xo Diana

  6. Hi Carol. What a sweet little cupboard. At first glance I thought it was going to be a regular size china cupboard, but what a pleasant surprise. I love little things. It turned out beautifully and thank you for the hint about AS dark wax. I have a pretty heavy hand because I love the really old antique "dirty" look but it is too dark so I will know now what to do to help it along..Happy Wednesday. Oops, I see it is now Thursday. Better get to bed..Judy

  7. Carol, how sweet your little cabinet turned out. I just happen to have that exact same cabinet sitting right next to my computer desk where I am sitting. Yours turned out so pretty. Hum, now I must to get to painting it. I loved the shape of it and keep waiting to have time to do all of this stuff. It won't be long now!!! Yea. Have a wonderful day.

  8. Carol - Love, love this sweet creation of yours. I don't know where you get your wonderful creativity - but your ideas just light up the pages of your blog. I'm definitely a Polka Dot fan!!

  9. What an awesome cabinet Carol ... a really amazing transformation from plain to spectacular! Wish I had some vintage wedding veils to post about and link up with you, but alas I do not...will still be there to read about it though!

  10. I just love it!! I had to pin it to my Awesome furniture board!

  11. you waved your magic wand on this one, its amazing!!! Gosh you do what you do so well! lol,

  12. Way to go, Carol! It's abundantly beautiful in her new attire! What a looker!

    Thanks for the tutorial!

    Happy weekend,

  13. Carol, it's gorgeous and I'm jealous! So darling. It's also something I would keep.

    But a word of caution about wine. As you can see in a wine rack, it is slanted down. That's to keep the cork wet and not let it dry out. Putting the wine in the little cabinet puts all the bottle even—know what I mean? Then the cork will dry out and the wine will be useless. Just so you know.


  14. WOW... do you have a recipe you follow for your "homemade" chalk paint? I would certainly be interested if you did. I was thinking before the wine photo, how would I use it? All I could see in there was an old fashioned cream colored radio with the sliver dials. A little niche` to hide your music and still enjoy. THEN you showed what you actually did with it. Though I'm sober, AWESOME idea!! I think it looks wonderful.

    Maybe you could paint your wine rack and roll up some towels and put it in the bathroom..?? This way it can stay out of the attic *wink*.
    Hugs and well done.

  15. Hi Carol,
    I'm a new follower...
    Just wanted to let you know how inspiring you are!
    Thanks for the all the tutorials.

  16. Morning Girlfriend!
    I LOVE your little table/cabinet! You sure know how to transform the "ugly ducklings"! It's perfect in that spot too.
    I still haven't tried chalk paint.
    Probably when it stops SNOWING, I can get some painting projects started.

  17. Carol!
    isn't that just a sweet table?
    I love this and I always love seeing how you've used your DIY plaster details.
    I know I keep saying that...but soon, I'm going to find the right piece and just do it! :) Pat

  18. The waxing really brought out the details you added just perfectly. What a beautiful little cabinet!

  19. Aw! Just lovely, Carol! Your details made all the difference!

    It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your DIL. I miss mine so much.

    My tastes change often so even though I'm not selling yet I'll probably end up keeping then selling a lot of the items I buy to flip! ♥

  20. Love the cabinet! So graceful, and roses make anything beautiful. Keep what I buy to sell? All the time, LOL, too often in fact.

  21. OH my goodness! This piece is stunning! I love the details you've added, it really makes it! No wonder you couldn't sell it, I love it too!
    I'm pinning this, thank you
    Debbie :)

  22. Girl
    who wouldn't love that cabinet , its a little piece of shabby chic heaven LOL

  23. May I ask where is a good place to find unusual and beautiful wooden appliques? This piece is to die for! I wouldn't give it up either.

  24. Sweet and sweet! This piece is perfect for you. Making your own appliques is surely the best way to go.

  25. It's gorgeous Carol, no wonder you can't part with it! I adore your details and the entire transformation.

  26. I love this cabinet, you did a fabulous job! I would be keeping everything if I were you.

  27. I love your work. I am following you now so you can inspire me every post you do! Gorgeous transformation.

  28. You never cease to amaze me. You are genius and I would have kept it also. Love what you do with the embellishments.
    Have a great day. Hugs, Ginger

  29. Oh my, what a fantastic job. I love how it turned out.

  30. Yes, I have a problem "releasing" some completed projects. We've talked about the rule, if you do sell it, put the price outrageously high so if it goes, it was worth letting it go.

    That cabinet is so adorable with all your embellishments, you talented lady, you.

    I am surprised you haven't spray painted that iron wine rack from your son white a long time ago. It would probably look cool with all those circle shapes. A great magazine holder. Do a frenchy stencil on the top!!! Of course, you may have some feedback from your son. lol

  31. Oh I would have kept that too! So, so pretty!!

  32. I have that same wine rack! Bought it years ago at Steinmart. Love that good looking cabinet Carol. Sure has some sexy legs. :) Francie emailed me about the wedding post. I'm in! xoxo

  33. Oh yes, I would be keeping it too! You have such an eye for those wonderful pieces.

  34. Carol, I love your shabby cabinet. What a treasure. I would keep it too. Love how the wine bottles fit so perfectly.
    Happy Creating.
    Hugs, CM

  35. Carol my friend wow! What's not to loveeeee you have out done yourself, this is absolutely gorgeous ...I to would have never parted with such a beauty....
    Thank for sharing your great ideas with us all....


  36. Hi Carol,
    Wow, I can't blame you for keeping that cute cabinet. You breathed new life into it for sure!

    You know I still have my tea cup picture and I love it. It is making the trip with me this week in my already loaded down car. I don't trust movers with paintings and mirrors.


  37. oh, i couldn't sell that either! LOVE it, carol!

  38. I can see why you want to keep did an awesome job transforming that piece!!! It is gorgeous!!

  39. Oh, my! You have done it again! That is just beautiful and I don't blame you for keeping it! That tea cup looks like the set I have only mine are bronze/tan. Nancy

  40. Carol,

    I love how that cabinet turned out!! I would have kept it too.

    Amy Jo

  41. Carol you are amazing! this is so beautiful! I really love the gum paste beads and the details:) gorgeous!

  42. Your cabinet is lovely I can see why you would want to keep it.

  43. It is adorbs Carol! I would have had to keep it too. You found the perfect home for it.

  44. It is perfect under the tea cup painting. Holding wine is a bonus. It was meant for you to keep. The after version is beautiful once you put your magical touch to it. Creative Bliss...

  45. I just love this too... but then I've loved everything you've done and wouldn't want to part with any of it. How great it holds your wine..or your guests wine.

  46. What a little beauty that is...I would keep it too!

  47. Oh my--hard to believe that is even the same cabinet. I love it! What an awesome job you did making it over :)

  48. Oh my gosh, I have two of these little end tables I bought a while ago. I was planning on painting them. I love yours, it's so cute. I picked mine up at the Salvation Army Thrift Store.

  49. I love your table transformation! I can't believe it was just 20 bucks. The paint and the moldings did wonders what that piece! I love the wall paper too. I would not have been able to get rid of it either. Thanks for leaving your comment on my blog about my pie recipe! Have a wonderful weekend. ~ Jamie

  50. It looks amazing! You got such a good deal too. I have one just like it in my storage shed that I haven't had time to re-do. I can't wait to get to it now. You have inspired me once again. I will be keeping this one. Not sure where I'm gonna put it yet. lol

    Lee Laurie

  51. Love the darling cabinet--it looks like a different piece of furniture!

  52. I'd have kept it too! FAB! MORE THAN FAB. I want it. :(

    Now girlfriend...about my post for you...

    You may want me to wait a bit because yesterday I got fab news about a WINDOW of opportunity and I just can't pass it up. Changes are coming!



  53. Love it! I would keep it too. Maybe your air vent needs a few cake decorations to jazz it up? ;)

  54. wow!! magnificent job! I remember seeing the mold tutorials on your blog previously. I need to get busy making some.

  55. Wow, This piece is absolutely gorgeous. I love all the added touches you did with making your own molds. This is too precious for words.
    Have a great weekend,
    @ Eclectic Red Barn

  56. That is just the perfect size for that spot! I love the changes you made...what a difference! Enjoy the weekend and this fabulous weather we're having! Sweet hugs, Diane

  57. I was so excited when you shared using the gum paste mold to make plaster decorative pieces. (Boy that was a long run on sentence) I went to Walmart today and they had it for 7.49. Woohoo I have an old china cabinet I paid $40. for. I keep putting off buying the wooden appliques because of cost. Thanks for sharing, and I love this piece you redid. It's darling. Blessings Paula Lusk

  58. I can't believe the change in your cabinet. And, the interior is great.

    I totally understand the part about living in a small house and limited space. I have found things I would love to have in the house, I just don't have space.

  59. Wow, would you believe I have transformed three of these little cabinets and I've done pretty much the same thing you did to them. I haven't found any for quite a long time, but I loved everyone of them. Your homemade rose embellishments are terrific too. I just happen to have a vintage bridal veil I am keeping for my own collection. Not sure how to link with another post other than a link party but if you explain it I would love to link to yours. Sounds like great fun.

  60. LOVE< LOVE that cabinet!!!

    be blessed

  61. Oh I love this little cabinet! It is so sweet and you really transformed it in to a beautiful piece. I need to borrow your talent!

  62. what a great cabinet. you are sooo good with this furniture flip thing

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