
April 15, 2013

Transforming A Toy Box

I use a toy box in front of my couch as an ottoman, of course it is filled with magazines, blankets and cat toys.  They are great storage coffee tables too!

I found this one for my booth and did a quick transformation

Here is how it started, it looked fine but, I know what will sell in my booth at Orange Tree...So, I painted it with Heirloom white 

Then enlarged two different graphics from Graphics Fairy and transferred the graphic with the blender pen method explained HERE.

I think I priced it around $55.00

I wanted to show you another quick transformation...It's two for one today! 

An ugly little desk got a coat of white paint.....

.....But still needed a little something so, I used a frame graphic from Graphics fairy and applied it with a blender pen around the knob

Just throwing out an easy quick idea if you have a transformation needing a little something!

Happy Creating!


  1. I love the toy box idea. Your transformation is perfect. So is the little desk. I'd buy both in a heartbeat.

  2. I love both pieces, but the toy box is my favorite! You do such a nice job on your furniture pieces.

  3. Great pieces the toy box looks incredible it has a French look going on that I really like.

  4. Hi Carol, Love how they turned out. Gotta love The Graphics Fairy. I just posted pictures of the Fancy Flea. Come check me out...Connie

  5. Love this idea!! I'm sure it was a quick sell in your booth! chris

  6. Carol,

    I love that toy box!! The post mark makes it seem as if it came over on a steamer. LOL Very cute idea!! I have got to try some graphics.

    Amy Jo

  7. I love your transformations Carol. The graphics make all the difference, so simple, but they give them so much life.

  8. Hi Carol I love the toy box idea. Your transformation is perfect. Very cute idea

  9. Great transformations!!! I like both pieces, but that little frame detail around the knob~~~brilliant.


  10. Love it Carol. Does the blender pen work on painted wood? I'm shocked. I didn't know that! :( Bah! I'm behind the 8 ball.



  11. Hi Carol, I love using the blender pen. Your treasures are awesome. I would snap those up in a heartbeat. Love the graphics you used. Your prices are fabulous. They won't last long.

    Happy Monday, Hugs, CM

  12. I love the transformation you did on this toy box and it's a great idea for a coffee table. I bet you will sell this in no time.

  13. Love the toy box. What is a blender pen? haven't heard of that before.

  14. Carol I too loveeee the toy box, it turned out beautiful...
    You sure know how to make items beautiful and breathe new life into them.....


  15. I love how you say, "a quick transformation" every single time. After a while it must just become second nature to grab a piece, get it ready and paint away. My goodness I have a hard time getting motivated to paint. I have never figured this out as to why but something about the getting started that haunts me. Perhaps it is the whole watching the pot of water boil theory.. you know.. watching paint dry. I'm impatient and want the second coat on before the first has dried. I do have several projects going right now but our weather is all over the place right now and I can't stand uncured paint projects. Love toy chest come ottoman. Hugs. Tammy

  16. I really like the toy box the best but do like the frame around the knob of the little table.

    Did you use an inkjet printer or laser to transfer the image?


  17. Love that toy box. I am still looking for an old chair to transform, but haven't found one yet!

  18. The toybox looks so great.


  19. Happy tax day Carol~ Ha! Your redone pieces are always just spot on! Bet they have sold already. xoxo

  20. I think its pure magic what you do, I love it!

  21. wonderful transformations.
    great job.

    off to see more


    PS thanks for visiting my place.

  22. I love both transformations! You always do a wonderful job.

  23. So perfect for toys, magazines, to put the feet on. Great look!

  24. How is it possible that I love every single thing you touch?!! These pieces look so much better with your white treatments. Thank goodness for the Graphics Fairy and her magic. Happy Selling Dear...

  25. Your toy box transformation into a coffee table and the little desk transformation are so pretty. The graphics really make them special. I love the way you do your pieces. Nancy

  26. I love your white painted toy box transformed into a coffee table. The graphic looks great. I would love a toy box like that for the nursery. Beautiful job! I really like the table as well. Have agreat day! ~ Jamie

  27. Both pieces look terrific! How handy to be able to click on the tutorial for the different methods of doing transfers. Thanks.

  28. I have to take lessons from you !!! when I bein a transformation it's never quick !!! Love your new transformations !!
    xoxo from PARIS (Yes !!! Spring is here !)

  29. Love them both!! Fun how little graphics can make a world of difference :)

  30. These both turned out so cute! I especially love the label around the knob; have never seen that before. What a great idea!

  31. Both are beautiful. The toy box is especially charming. What a great talent you have for transforming the plain to something beautiful!

  32. love the toy box, and the little print around the knob on the cute desk--love that, too, carol:)

  33. I honestly don't know how you part with all these beautiful creations! Love them!

  34. I have two similar chests here at the house. One belongs to each daughter. I'm now tempted to confiscate them from bedrooms. (Don't you just know that the minute I do, one of them will want it for an apartment?)

    BTW, I missed the previous post on the wine cabinet. I'm crazy about that idea.

  35. What can I say, Genius at work again. I especially love the toy box transformation. xo Ginger

  36. So cute Carol! I made some of your fabric flowers and wrote a post about it today. Linked back to your adorable blog too. Hope you don't mind...Mimi

  37. Amazing !! . I love your transformations !!!
    xx Vicky

  38. I love both of those Carol! Your blog is so fun! Thank you also for sharing how to do so many fun things. You are so unselfish and so willing to help others learn how to do so many cool things. You are awesome lady!

    Hugs and have a really nice day!


  39. What a beautiful job on that tox box Carol. I loves it..both transformations are awesome. Happy day to you!

  40. These are so lovely! I like the bright white for the Spring and Summer alhtough right now I am sick of the white stuff called snow and more is coming this week! Sigh! Have a great week! Anne

  41. Great tips, many thanks for sharing. I have printed and will stick on the wall! I like this blog. French Style Living Room Sets
