
July 18, 2013

3 1/2 Hours At One Estate Sale!

This was one "Honey Pot" of a much great stuff!!  There was a ton of digging, two trips to the car, and a couple of (excited) heart palpitations!  I have never spent this long at an estate sale, but I knew when I walked in the door and read the first few price tags that I was going to need these... smelling salts!

These lace pillows are gorgeous; they have button backs over silk forms.

How about these brown polka dot gloves?!  ...Wait, did someone say "Polka Dots"?!!  These would look mighty fine in The Polka Dot Closet!!!

Be still my heart (I love vintage lace)!!

This bedspread was so hard to get a good photo of. It has two layers of pattered tulle with a layer of tulle over the top. What a perfect flesh color...Why, I think this will be sleeping on my bed!

I was in vintage lingerie heaven.

Oh goodness!! This was so fun, I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning!

  I also found some great frames and small pieces of furniture; projects I'll blog about in the future. Some of these treasures I'll keep and the rest will be going in my booth at Orange Tree Antiques.


Happy Creating!


  1. Very pretty finds! Love the plastic box with the cats!

  2. Great finds! Sounds and looks like it was a terrific estate sale and lots of fun! :-) I'm excited to see the frames and furniture that you got.

  3. I love all your finds. I have never been to an estate sale, it sounds great!
    Your cushions are wonderful and of course so is your lace..
    The Polka Dot gloves are keepers for sure.

  4. OMG!!! You certainly scored! You got some wonderful treasures. The pink negligee with all the pouf-y ruffles is gorgeous!

  5. Wwow...i see quite a bit of goodies that would be in my home right now!!! Great finds for sure!
    Be blessed, Lorena

  6. Be still my heart! It's no wonder you spent so long at this sale, I can feel your excitement. Don't you love it when you're able to get your first load safely in your car and then you can go back for another round?

  7. SCCCORRRRE Carol!!! Gawd I love when I stumble on those good sales. And they are far and few I tell ya. I am drooling over the lace....

  8. Aww, such sweet items you found! I don't think they will be living at Orange Tree for long! I love the bone china salt & pepper shakers and the poodle hair pic and the ... oh, forget it Carol, I love it all!

  9. What incredible treasures Carol. You definitely hit the jackpot with this estate style and what fun you are going to have with everything!

  10. Woo Hoo - this is my kinda fun! Love every singe thing that you bought - awesome!!


  11. I'll bet you enjoyed every minute of it, Carol, if your buys are anything to go by! : ) Looks like you got some great stuff. I have one to go to tomorrow morning before I hit my booth. Hoping to find some interesting things.

  12. Lots and lots of great stuff. Can't wait to see what you will show us after you work with some of these treasures. Others look perfect as is, right? What do I know...I've decided that I have no sense of style. But I do know pretty when I see it!♥♫

  13. Oh.My.Word. What amazing finds! I might have just moved in and still be there today!

  14. WOW, you hit a gold mine. So many pretty things. I am a nut over pillows and those two are so pretty.

  15. Your lace and dresses, to die for. The purses, nice catch. You made out quite well. I'm coming in under my old name, was the stitching coop, so stop on by for a GIVEAWAY!! Hugs. Tammy

  16. Oh, how I wish I could have gone with you! I LOVE a good estate sale. Someone once told me that they were too sad to go to... but I think they are just a wonderful opportunity to allow others to enjoy the owners treasures. Now - how will you decide what to keep for yourself and what to put in your booth???

  17. Oh my gosh WHAT a haul!!! I have estate sale envy. Where I live there is never anything good like this. Ever! lol

  18. Carol, what a great day of shopping you had. I would be the same way! I can't wait to see what you do with some of your find! I love vintage laces and pillows.

  19. EEEEEEEK!!!!!! Love your finds! The pink nightgown/slip is darling! I LOVE sale like these!
    Keeping cool, LOL,

  20. Wow!!! Just to find one of the things in your picture would have been fun - all this stuff I would have spontaneously combusted - LOL. Those pillows, that bedjacket and the kittycat box - I am SO jealous. Good for you :)


  21. Wow, what sweet treasures!! Love the doll heads and the poodle comb! And, that Christmas Kitty apron, oh my, too cute!! Glad you found such pretties to bring home!! xo Heather

  22. I can only hope that it is someone such as yourself who is lucky enough to come to my future estate sale and enjoy all my treasures as you enjoy these you found. Pure Bliss Dear...

  23. What great finds. The pillows, lace, and lingerie are so wonderful I wouldn't be able to part with them.

  24. Oh my, what a great haul! I love the vintage slips!

  25. What a great sale! I've been to only a few over the years that have been that good. So glad you found it. Have a Blessed day, Trisha

  26. I would say that you had a successful morning! Yes, the polka dot gloves say you. I love all the lace and the beautiful bedspread!!!! Nancy

  27. I love the nostalgic works
    each one beautiful
    especially the lace

  28. Ohhhhhh my! You hit it big time! Beeeeeautiul!!!!!


  29. Such sweet finds! Don't you just picture someone's sweet aunt or grandma living there?

  30. Oh my goodness girl! What a haul. I know the feeling when you hit the mother lode... heart palpitations and light-headed! You got some fabulous things and I can hardly wait to see what you come up with next. Hope you are well.

  31. Oh my goodness!!! You really got some very sweet, sweet treasures!! So many gorgeous things, I'm not sure what to comment on! Love it all! How very exciting for you! :) Happy weekend! xo Holly

  32. It looks like it was wonderful!! I went to one a few weeks ago and stayed for several hours, too. It didn't have any of the treasures yours had. I just couldn't make up my mind about some things.

    My two favorite things are the lingerie and the gloves, especially the polka dot ones.

    True confession. I really wish women still wore gloves and hats around. It's just so sophisticated looking!

  33. What soft, gentle things you've found!!! I have a question for you.....will you be putting the small aqua box, with the kittens on the lid in your shop? If so, I would be interested in purchasing it. Best!

  34. What great finds, they are all beautiful. Especially love the lace and the handbags!!


  35. Hi Carol, Looks like time well spent for such wonderful finds. I know you are having fun.
    Love it all.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  36. I'm experiencing estate sale envy. What amazing finds!! That lingerie is just up your alley. I can see why you were there 3 1/2 hours. Wow.

  37. Be still my heart. I love that vintage pink gown! Love it. Love the gloves and handbags and that amazing vintage lace. Wow oh wow!!

  38. Wow, Carol! What a haul! I can see why you spent so much time at the estate sale. The gloves, purses, and pillows are my favorite items. The lingerie is all gorgeous! They dressed in such a fancy and elegant way back then. It makes our sweat pants and yoga pants so much sadder! :) Have a great weekend! ~ Jamie

  39. So funny Carol, I have been blog hopping and catching up and making my way over when you visited. Your scores are always amazing. You really find the goods! They go fast too.

  40. Wow....that sale looked like it was made just for you!! You found some great stuff! Now I'm off to go take a tour of your creative space!

  41. Such beautiful things! I can totally understand why you were there for 3 hours! Lucky you!!!

  42. Carol, I've just got around to catching up on blogs and was in vintage lace envy when I read your post. I love those pillows and all that lace!! I would have been swooning at the point I found those items. The lingerie is gorgeous! You definitely hit a gold mine!

  43. You are so lucky! I know exactly how you feel when you find great things at a great price! I have the sewing box with the kittens in dark blue! I love it! Congrats! I am glad you had so much fun! :)

  44. Please pass a tissue to wipe the drool off of my face! Oh my, I would have spent that long too! To find vintage lace and polka dot gloves in the same place? Not to mention the lingerie. Wow, you did good girl!

  45. Oh my good giddy aunt! What glorious finds

  46. Jack POT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love those lace pillows and the vintage old lace

    what a great morning

  47. Oh Gosh! How Lucky you were! I would have been right on your tail had I been there! Ha! Good for you!

  48. OM gosh! I LOVE going to sales like that! You found some dreamy things!

  49. Carol,
    Good for you!! You hit pay dirt!! We stumbled upon an Estate sale once on the second day of it and everything was half price. The owner was a lover of Victorian style so i had the best time and filled the SUV to overload!!


  50. Seriously??? I'm so sick I was there fighting with you while trying to steal things out of your hands. :)

    Last week we hit the mother-load of all sales....

    Today, NOTHING! ACK! I hate it when that happens!

    You rock!

