
July 11, 2013

My Creative Space...Where Bloggers Create 2013

It's that time of the year again where we all show off our creative spaces at the 5th annual: 

Hosted by: My Desert Cottage

I shared my newly transformed craft/sewing room in February but I hate to miss a good party.  So, I hope my regular readers will indulge me (and even come along) while I party with hundreds of other bloggers showing off their studios at "Where Bloggers Create"!!

I love shabby fluffy studios, but I work better in total organization. I'd say my craft room is more "Utilitarian".

The patterned pink fabric borders beside the window are wrapped around foam core from the dollar store.  It is perfect for holding pins (and inspiration).

This is a slat wall. I purchased the wall, baskets, and hooks from Barr Display.

The table against the wall in the photo above (lower left) is what I craft on; when open it's six feet long!

My fabric is all wrapped around comic book backing boards.  I did the DIY post on it HERE

Thank you to all of the new and regular visitors for stopping in at at The Polka Dot Closet!!  This is a blog where all of your favorite crafting secrets are coming out of the closet! 

Take a peek inside and follow tutorials on everything from Making Fabric Flowers, Ornamental Plaster Furniture Appliques, Transforming Dress Forms, Cake Decorating Furniture, No Sew French Market Bags...and much, much more!!


Happy Creating!


  1. I love how you have everything so organized! It also looks like things are very close at hand which is so helpful when you are in the middle of a project. You have a beautiful room!

  2. Your craft room is very pretty and organized and I love all the space! Wish I was as organized! Nancy

  3. What a beautiful space! I love the gorgeous damask fabric! You are so organized!

  4. LOVE...what great organizing! What I want to know Carol is if your fabric actually stays that neat and tidy? Mine looks like a cyclone hit it most of the time :)

  5. You are so organized. I love it. My craft room would look like that for about a day and then it would look like the mine field it usually does. I'm very envious.

  6. I saw this on my visit the other day but I love visiting. Such a bright organised space. my room looks that organised in my Dreams, in reality not so

  7. Oh I want that slat wall! love love love the ribbons. Such a pretty room - your color combination is one of my favs, Cheers

  8. I love it. I just love how you put so many things in a small place and it just looks great.

  9. You've got such a great space here, Carol! I'm so glad you decided to share it again. Love your fabric stash! I've never met a piece of fabric I didn't like. : ) Love your storage boxes and how you framed out your window with those fabric covered pieces.


  11. Very pretty crafting space and so organized!

  12. Gosh yes..very organised.So unclutteres even though you have a lot of creating supplies.Just love to look at all your things.Boy, could I create in your room! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Thanks for the tour, Carol! so many pretty touches! I can hardly wait to have my own craft room again! ♥

  14. How much get a peek inside the "real" Polka Dot Closet! Carol, I love the brown and pink in your space. :D

    I really do love your space and how it's organized!

  15. GORgeous! And so organized! Thank you for sharing.

    robin :-)

  16. Hi Carol!!!
    I love an organized space too, and yours is fabulous!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing and being in the party! I hope you'll come by to see my whimsical garden studio!

    ~ Violet

  17. Hi Carol,
    Your space is fab! I love it and the fabric closet is a great idea. Wonderful organization and great space to work in, who could ask for more!
    Hugs and happy party hopping! best way to find ideas I think!
    Hugs Marilou of Lulu'sLovlies

  18. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the slat wall storage idea! I am in the middle of remodeling my craft room. I was going to use peg board to hold little storage baskets, but the slat boards really fit the bill for what I need. I hope you don't mind, I am SO stealing this idea! LOL. Also, the counter curtain is something I had in mind, as well, and it looks great in your room. It will be used to hide the excess storage under my table. I shared your image on Pinterest and on my FB page at I hope you don't mind. I've linked everything back to you. Thanks again for the inspiration.

  19. I love your creative space. I can never let you over to see mine because it will never look that good, lol.

  20. You are so organized! I'm with you, I work so much better when I'm organized. Love your beautiful creative space Carol.

  21. You are so lucky to have such an amazing space.

    I love the way you have everything organized. The stamps are awesome.

    Thank you for sharing.
    I look forward to seeing more of your blog!!!

    Happy Crafting

  22. I love the pink and brown color scheme and the foam core borders on the window are inspired. Thank you for sharing!

  23. Hi Carol,
    Your room is so charming and so organized. Love it!
    Be blessed, Lorena

  24. Oh Gosh! I'm afraid mine is the fluffed up kind of studio! Yours is lovely and so neat! "Every Bean & Wienie in it's place" as my husband says! Thanks for sharing, it's very inspiring!

  25. Your decor and organization is hugely impressive and inspiring! You caught my attention at the very beginning with the clever fabric covered foam core around your windows. Thanks for the grand tour!

  26. Ahhh Carol, such a fabulous work space ~ I love the slat wall with the open storage, not only able to see it, but access it easily too, very clever! Having a nice organized space really allows for much better creativity and not lost time looking for things! You really did a great job ~ Judi

  27. A woman after my own heart. I work so much better in an organized space and so mine too is not as fluffy beautiful as many I love to look at, & more utilitarian so things are close at hand and "hopefully" I can remember where I put things. :)
    But yours is still prettier than mine. LOL

  28. Hi Carol, Oh how did I miss this in February. Your studio is amazing, but then I knew it would be.
    Come visit and join my Give-A-way.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  29. Hi Carol, I love your space for creating and working your magic. Everything is so well organized and I just adore that.
    The colors are so yummy and what an inspiration to create in each day. I love the printers box holding your stamps. I need to get one for my space.
    Love how you have used the racks from Barr to hold all your supplies and pretties.
    You are just amazing and I have to go back and view it all again.

    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  30. Carol thank you for letting me visit your beautiful studio. I love how you have it decorated and organized and functional all at the same time. Pretty is as Pretty does! It is easy to see how you create such blissful treasures. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  31. just gorgeous, carol! i want your fabric collection...pretty please:) happy weekend!

  32. Love your crisp and clean studio! When you come to visit in August, let's redo mine! LOL!
    Loved the tour!

  33. love the slat wall and all your great organizing ideas.

  34. OH MY! My fingers won't even type they are so jealous! lol What a gorgeous space to work in. No wonder you do such beautiful work-you have a great place to work from! Blessings-xo Diana

  35. Carol, your clean and organized (yet pretty) creative space is great! I like how you made your own "pin cushion" panels. Great idea! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  36. So pretty and organized! Love all your sweet touches!! Happy weekend! xo Heather

  37. Can't wait to have my own craft room! Yours is SO inspiring! Right now I am crafting in my dining room with my crafting junk piled on a tiny desk in the corner. It's hard to be organized, but maybe someday. . .

  38. Your space is wonderful- of course, I love anything with polka dots!

  39. Oh, the slatboard and your folding table are to die for! Being able to rearrange shelving and basket storage on your wall without having to lug furniture around to do it seems link an incredible option... makes me wish I had something like it in my kindergarten classroom of all places!

    Thank you for sharing your creative space with us!

    Michaele (Twigs and Tulle)

  40. oooh Carol, I love your space, so beautifully organized and such a wonderful variety of materials.

  41. Soooo beautiful! I love your fabrics. So organized. No wonder you create such neat things!

  42. I love everything about your space.

    Would you mind sharing with me where you got the great storage boxes?

  43. Beautiful, gorgeous, Perfect and Fabulous! Nuf' said-xoxo cindy

  44. I absolutely love your space. I have one of those roll around tables, and had NO idea they are 6 feet long when open.

    I saw your tutorial last year about how to wrap your fabric, but I don't have any long enough to wrap. I love how yours always looks so well organized.

    Thanks for inviting me into your lovely and creative space.

  45. What an adorable space filled with amazing organization! I love your wonderful workspace and the color palette! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!


  46. ooh I'm in your machines and the whole "sewing themed" studio....BEAUTIFUL!!

  47. Carol you are amazing! Love how you kept it simple with clean lines but yet you have SO MUCH in there to work with. The padded material on the wall next to the window is genius. Next year I will be able to participate as I am in the middle of my studio / room transformation!

    Thanks for sharing yours!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  48. Hi Carol,

    Just had to ask...and I've been scanning the Barr Display website for a long time now....where did you find the ribbon wire holder basket thingy? :)

    Thanks so much,

  49. "where all of your favorite crafting secrets are coming out of the closet"??.. Well, I don't know! Did you read MY post yet?! (0; I'm just gettin' in there!!.. LOVED your beautiful creative space!.. Like Jillian, right away I was wondering where you got the contraption that holds all your ribbons. I like it, because I can still SEE all the ribbons (as opposed to the rain gutters I was considering using). Is it from Barr Displays also? I really like your way of wrapping and storing fabrics too, and may very well work on that just as soon as I can! Thanks for sharing HOW-TO's, and for the tour!.. And hope you're enjoying the weekend! ~tina

  50. Utilitarian and functional AND gorgeous! Sewing... my next great hobby! Hugs!

  51. Your organized space is very feminine looking, I even saw a hat I liked up on a shelf.

  52. Oh, Carol, I think your room is wonderful. I took a peek at your previous room decor, and I really like how you have it now.

  53. Thx Carol for your visit!! And like I said earlier..I love your studio!!

  54. You have a lovely and organized studio, Carol. I love your fabric stash and other wonderful supplies. The storage boxes are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your wonderful place.

  55. Nothing like being late to the party! I love this party because it's so fun to look at the creative spaces. Maybe someday I'll have a wonderful space like that! (Right now, I just have to be satisfied with my bathroom turned "crathroom."

  56. Chocolate and cotton candy!!! Beautifully done space. Your organization is a feast for my eyes. Thanks for sharing, keep smiling and creating....PS love your printers tray.

  57. I love your calm and relaxing studio with all the pretty pinks. Thanks so much for letting us visit! Sue

  58. Hello Carol Lovely to meet you here.
    You sure have one really beautiful closet! Not only does everything look so pretty but it is highly functional as well. Love all your boxes and baskets of millinery especially and, of course, your so pretty fabrics.
    I have a giveaway on my blog if you would like to enter.
    Thanks for sharing where you so love to create! and Lucky Lady for all the new vintage purchases - oooh aaah!

  59. Hello Carol I love how you have everything so organized! Chocolate and cotton candy!!! Beautifully done space. Your organization is a feast for my eyes. Thanks for sharing,

  60. So cute! You changed it up some since your home tour. I love the spruce. I could really use a space like this in our house. I have to wait til boy goes off to college then his room is MINE LOL!

  61. Seriously....are you that organized!! I LOVE it and only wish I could say my studio looked like that. I really enjoyed the tour!

  62. Carol, I am still trying to get around to more of the create rooms. I joined the party this year for the first time. My room is still evolving. Hadn't even organized everything yet, but like you said, "who wants to miss a party?" Your room is fab! I like the foam core idea. May need to see if I have a spot to do that. Wish I had your laces! I have used up all of my moms old lace and I never run across it. Maybe I need to check out etsy. We had a slat wall in the garage of our previous home. They are great. Love your space!

  63. Your space is so cute, almost like a sweet cupcake!! Very nicely done and well organized. I was looking at your other posts with how you have transformed old furniture to beautiful new pieces.
    Great inspiration!!!

  64. Your studio is a marvel: It looks like a perfect place to create. I love the fabrics you used to decorate with and all the wonderful storage solutions you came up with. Very Fun!

  65. I just love your studio - the colours are perfect, you are so organized and neat! I can see why you'd be so inspired working in there. The lace, the stamps in the printer tray, all those supplies so neatly displayed... really a great craft / sewing room. Always a pleasure to visit you Carol!

  66. WHOA..... Great space and beautifully organized.
    Thanks for sharing!
