
June 27, 2011

Vintage WallPaper Covered Suitcase

This little suitcase just makes me want to take a trip

I found this little train case at a thrift store

Then I went to our favorite place the
 Graphics Fairy, I don't know how I would do projects without Karen!

There is a whole section on vintage wallpapers

I picked this one

I think using real wall paper would be difficult because it is so thick and all of the corners involved in covering the suitcase

I printed this out on plain typing paper

And gathered my supplies

Then Mod Podged the paper on and sprayed a little Walnut ink to age it.

I had to make a few cuts of paper around the handle but, I think it looks fine

I added the polka dot ribbon for two reasons:

I like polka dots....Hum guess why?

And I needed to cover the edges of the suitcase, I had messy edges, I hate messy!

I am going to put this in my booth at Orange Tree and price it at $38.00

I think this would be cute with Word graphics printed on the paper, or sheet music.

I know you'll figure out something fabulous, I'm just the idea thrower.

Happy Creating!

Partying with
Funky Junk
Graphics Fairy
BTNOP Metamorphous Monday
Wow us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


  1. And what great ideas you throw!!! I like this better than just painting a suitcase! The polka dot ribbon is the perfect touch!!!

  2. This is awesome! Love your choice of wall paper graphics!

  3. Such a sweet and charming little case. Good one. I am in love with vintage wallpaper, the real deal. And have been lucky enough to own 3 sample books from the 1930's. I am down to about 25 sheets and darn near cry when I use a piece...I hoard it for special things I am thrilled to see this paper at GF, I had no idea. Now I can breath a bit I am off to check it out now. And can I tell you, the pink vase with the flowers, love it!!!!
    Thanks for sharing, xo

  4. Oooooo Carol, I just love this. What a nice look. Nice price too. This would be great as a storage box anywhere.

  5. That is so stinkin' cute! It's certainly not ugly brown anymore.

  6. nice Carol!! I have seen these painted before, but never thought about covering with paper and ribbon.
    Perfect re-purpose piece. Always look forward to your posts:)

  7. wow thats amazing, you are always coming up with the best ideas,, I haven't the skill to do but enjoy looking at yours,, this is just amazing,

  8. I thought you would take it when you come here! You make projects look easy...LOL!!! It sure looks 100% better!

  9. Carol,
    That is so sweet!!! I love it!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  10. Can I call you AUNT CAROL..... : ) and come visit you for the summer...And we can craft and talk about how wonderful it is that your my AUNT... :) and then of course I would say, " Aunt Carol, can I have that suitcase..?"

    You did a BEAUTIFUL job... And yes Karen is so wonderful to offer us all such wonderful free images...

    Have a wonderful week..

  11. I just bought a case like that and have been trying to figure out what to do with it. I love this, I hope you don't mind if I copy!

  12. You're so talented! Very nice :)

  13. Wow, well done it looks fantastic! love the colours and the spots :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  14. That is a beautiful case and priced just right, good luck at selling it.
    Have a lovely day!
    XXX Ido

  15. Great redo Carol.. that turned out soo cute! I'm actually taking a break right now from redoing a suitcase! LOL Hope to be finished today to be able to post. :)

  16. I love the way this turned out Carol. You even have the pattern centered perfectly on the front. I have a question. I've always been afraid to decoupage something I have printed out on my computer for fear that the ink would smear. Did you do something to the paper before you adhered it? Looks great!

  17. AH-dorable. I bet it has sold already!

  18. That's cute ... I did one using scrapbook paper and it turned out great ... I like your ribbon idea ... might have to find another case to mess around with! :)

  19. Hey Carol!
    Keep throwing your great ideas my way!!! I have a little case just like this in my closet. Time to get it out and transform it with papers.

    Thanks for the idea.


  20. As amazing project! I have always loved these train cases. I actually modge podged one with wrapping paper several years ago but it wasn't this pretty!!

  21. Oh Ms. Carol,
    I love it. Such sweetness. I know it won't stay in your booth for long...Someone will snatch it right up :-)

    I just came across your beautiful blog and I've been looking around some...So much inspiration and creativty...Sweet! So excited about becoming a follower. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,
    ♥Ana~A Petite Cottage

  22. So cute! Another amazing transformation! Love these little train cases, and you took this one to a whole nother level. Thanks for sharing.

  23. You are very creative! I love what you did with the suitcase!

  24. That is just darling Carol! I am ready for a road trip:)

  25. She's a keeper! So darn cute! xoxo

  26. You are an amazing idea thrower!!! I can't really catch them - due to my lack of talent! But I love to drool over every single thing you come up with!
    Have a PRETTY day!

  27. I'm in love with the Graphics Fairy, too! I have even used this wallpaper. Very I am KICKING myself for passing up the most amazing little vintage suitcase at a yard sale for one dollar! Why didn't I buy it you ask!? It was full of cassette tapes and I didn't want to deal with them...landfill guilt

  28. It looks beautiful perfect for any classy lady on a travels

  29. Carol, this is beautiful!

    Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my bypass. It means the WORLD to me!

    Love always,

  30. This overnight case is just awesome. I did this years ago with one of those and my daughter used it to store her doll clothes, wish I still had it. I love yours! :-)

  31. What a pretty transformation. so vintage look perfectly beautiful ... And what an idea... thanks a lot for sharing...

    Visit me whenever you can

  32. What a beautiful creation! I thought it was wallpaper at first glance and was wondering how you pulled that off. Love the print you used and the pretty trim. It won't last long in your booth.

  33. I l♥ve that!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your great ideas!!!

  34. I love this and all of your other projects as well. I read your blog every day and enjoy it so much. Thanks for the resource for the dress forms; I have ordered two; this is a very reasonable price.

  35. What a pretty project! I love old train cases. I like the paper you picked.

  36. Carol, this is so charming! You sure are a creative lady...I love seeing what you come up with!

  37. I love this idea! so great! I am working on my first graphics fairy table....I am in love with her stuff!


  38. I had a little red train case like that growing up. I finally got rid of it a few years ago in a purging frenzy. Well, of course...

    You always have the most inspirational ideas, Carol.

  39. Carol-

    This is fantastic! And it's a great way to make the unwanted suitcases more appealing, like the brown ones. I'll have to try it with a blue one...the blues ones seem to be a dime a dozen, the most common colors I find.

    -pamela :)

  40. Carol, I actually have one quite similar to this but it was mine!!! Part of the first set of luggage my parent's bought for me when I went away to Nursing School!!
    I was thinking of painting it but I really like this better. i am putting this on my To Do List!!


  41. This is beautiful, Carol! I love the paper you chose and the polka dot ribbon.

    Visiting from WUW! : )

  42. Carol, THANK YOU for your comment on the marriage post!
    It isn't JUST the BPBP that is causing stress- it's many things! I did a radi oshow on it today , and will be doing a little series on marriage this week .I am excited about it!
    Hugs, and thanks again!

  43. Absolutely precious Carol. Love that sweet little suitcase!

  44. Oh My!! What a fabulous idea, Carol! I have had one of those for awhile, and it could certainly benefit from a facelift!! I am definitely going to try this!! I may do some text...not sure.

    I want to tell you I made some plaster flowers, and some clay tags! I love how they came out, and am going to start selling the tags in my shop!
    Thanks so much! I'll send you a pic when I get my first "for sale" batch finished!

    Thanks so much for all you share! What a joy!
    Have a fab Friday and weekend!!


  45. Hi Carol, The case turned out wonderful and I love the paper you used! Take care.

  46. so beautiful.. I would want to take a trip too.... Lovely

  47. I love the idea of using bottle brush trees!! 32 North on Etsy usually has some in stock. I may try that, too!! How fun!

    I sooo want to visit your booth! And meet you. Maybe in the next month or so we can grab a few minutes for coffee!

    Thanks also for pointing out that Karen has wallpaper graphics...I didn't know that.

    Have a delightful day, Carol. You're a joy!

  48. Hi Carol: This is sooooo pretty. And I MUST see more of that pink hobnail vase you have sitting next to it. LOVE hobnail and esp. the hard to come by pink kind! Have a great holiday weekend!

  49. This is lovely! Just today my hubby and I were at a large flea market. I was explaining to him all about the different projects, possibilities of things including suitcases. When I told him about covering them he said, "So don't they get beat up when you go to use them?" He's so adorable :) I explained it this way: Think of what the item SHOULD be used for and then know that once I 'fix it up' -- it will probably not be used for it's original purpose. He got it :) Love your little case and love that you printed your own 'wallpaper' -- great idea!

  50. Oh i love this recovered train case!!! Oh and btw nice to meet you, i am your newest follower.
    thanks for the visit and pink comment on my blog!

  51. Beautiful is the word! Love the redo! You got a very creative space! Fresh and unique! Thanks for sharing:)
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  52. Isn't Karen the best for sharing with us? I just hopped over from Graphic Fairies and have to say I am soooo loving what you did with the wallpaper! such a gorgeous piece! Love the polka dot ribbon too! Thanks for sharing!

  53. This is lovely. You did such a neat job. Did you really use "back in the day" typing paper? Love the vintage look of the paper. Speaking of vintage, please stop by and enter my summer giveaway. What a great makeover!

  54. It turned out just adorable bet u get alot of comments when you use it!

  55. I have one of these! Thanks for the inspiration.

  56. Wonderful! My Mom used to have one of these. Yours is 1,000 times better. Jennifer Beeutiful by Design

  57. Your choice of patterns and colors are perfect! Love it!

  58. I just saw an article about pairing pink and green in a magazine and this should have gone along with it, it's so perfect. I have been looking for luggage to up-do for a while but the pickings are slim in my little town. I'll look for train cases. They might just fit the bill. Thanks for the idea!

  59. Wow, this is adorable and I love the paper you chose. Very creative idea.

    Have a great day!

  60. This is awesome Carol! I love it - especially the ribbon detail.

  61. love it, modge podge is amazing. what do u spose people used the train case for?

  62. Oh my gosh!!! I love this too!!! you are so amazing!!! Would you be able to tell me where to get the Walnut Ink Spray? I have never seen that before. XoXo

  63. Hi Carol,

    You have helped me so much. I am a newbie.. I know.. So looking at your idea's and site has inspired me and I have already learned how to make the flowers, and made the canvas bags. You are Awesome.. Thank you so much.
