
May 10, 2012

Using Rit Dye

I've done my share of tea staining and emptying my morning coffee into a bowl to age ribbons and fabrics, but lately I've been using more and more Rit Dyes.

This is NOT a sponsored post, I'm just sharing my experiences

I found this white bridal slip at a thrift store

And used my favorite Rit Dye color...... Tan.   After I dyed the skirt I dyed the laces, ribbons, and applique before sewing them on the skirt because each fabric accepts the dye differently

All of these started out a creme or white color and all were dyed with the Tan Dye at the same time

I love that this eggshell colored Rayon ribbon turns a pink color with the Rit Tan dye

I put the white flowers on after.  This is the true color, it is almost a pink, but still keeps a little of the tea stained look

The Petal pink is another great color, just a soft pink.  There is some pink dyes that give a funky pink color, but with just a little splash of the Petal Pink dye and I get the perfect pink color I love

Here is the Dark brown Rit on a skirt, the flower was on the skirt when I dyed it, you just never know how a fabric will accept the dye

Now, I don't just use Dye on fabrics.  When I did these water slide decal bottles it bothered me that the craft store corks were to new looking.  I tried soaking them in coffee, and tea, but it didn't work.
 This is after I soaked them in the Dark Brown Dye

It gives them a great aged vintage look, you can see the before and after

I like the liquid Rit over the powdered, It's just easier for me to use.  You can find Rit Dye in all of the craft stores they cost $2 plus change and a bottle will last a long time.   I use just a little, I can always add more.

Be sure to wear gloves if you're using the dark brown or your fingers and nails will look like you're an auto mechanic...I should have taken pictures!

I usually fill up a bucket with hot water and take it right out on the back patio.   If it splashes, it will stain, so wear your play clothes

These are my favorite colors

I would love to pick your brains.......

Have you used Rit Dye?

Do you have a favorite color?

 Do you have any tips to share?

Happy Crafting!


  1. This is awesome, Carol. I have been wanting to do some dying, but haven't ventured far enough yet!! Thanks so much for this post! I feel more courageous and am going to pick up some of the tan!

    Have a lovely day and weekend! I'll be back in touch about lunch soon!!
    Can't wait!

  2. new to following your blog and enjoying it!
    I've done some Rit dying too, mostly with buttons and doilies but it can be a lot of fun
    I have found that the microwave is my friend when dying small items as using bursts of heat can help get some very intense colours!
    Sadly Rit dye by the bottle is close to $6 each up here in Canada but I do agree that the liquid is so much easier to use and measure out for small batches!

  3. I got a bunch of tan Rit dye free!
    Smiles, Cyndi

  4. You are so creative! You know, I've used the Rit dyes in the past...I honestly don't even remember why. :) I'm sure it was to "try" something new. I've never used the liquids ~ I imagine they are so much better. I love the effects you've shared!

    I'm trying to get back to reading and blogging. Have missed your updates!


  5. You are so creative! You know, I've used the Rit dyes in the past...I honestly don't even remember why. :) I'm sure it was to "try" something new. I've never used the liquids ~ I imagine they are so much better. I love the effects you've shared!

    I'm trying to get back to reading and blogging. Have missed your updates!


  6. Love your post. I have some pin dye to do many things also including a bridal crinoline, but haven't yet used it. thanks for the color suggestions!!!

  7. Carol,
    Thanks for sharing this info...I will be saving it in my favorites for future use. Do you have a new look, or maybe I am just a little crazy.


  8. I've also used Rit Dye in the past, but it was powder. The liquid would be great for small batches. Thanks for the tip on the corks. Got a new style on?


  9. Gasp! AWESOME, Carol. I use RIT liquid dye all the time for our vintage feedsack fabrics ... liquid is better than the powder, for sure.

    Those creations are exquisite. I'd love the first one myself.

    Happy Mother's Day ~
    TTFN ~

  10. PS GIVEAWAY ends 5/13 if you haven't entered.

  11. Hi Carol! Thank you so much for this post, it is so helpful! I was actually thinking of Rit Dye last night for a little canvas bag I bought at Hobby Lobby!

  12. Thank you SO much for passing this along. I haven't used Rit Dye in ages and I don't even remember what I used it for. These are going on my list for sure. Everything turned out so lovely...such an inspiration.

  13. Over the years I have used Rit dye alot. I had several cotton chenille bedspreads and I took one and dyed it a pretty pale yellow and used it in the guest room on a white iron bed. It looked really pretty. I also use it to freshen up my black clothing when they start looking faded. I put them all in together in the washer and use two bottles (liquid works the best). They come out looking brand new.

  14. I use to use Rit dye all the time...just got so tired of the powder and using my machine to dye.
    I should really get some liquid and play the colors you used.
    You always have the best ideas
    Thanks for sharing sweetie
    I would love to see the card you made

  15. Thanks so much for this post Carol! I have been using coffee and tea, but didn't always like the results I would get. These pics speak volumes for the advantages of using the liquid rit dye. Love the cork aging you did too! Thanks again for the great info. Have a wonderful week.


  16. It's so much fun to learn new things!!! Thanks!

  17. Carol, you have some awesome ideas. That is so beautiful. Love the idea of the corks because I do some cork crafts. Congrats on being a vendor too!

  18. Oh I'm glad to see this post, Carol. I have used Rit dye in the past, but it was usually for a costume or something like that and so there was a lot of "oops" room. I have been wanting to experiment with some dyes, but I haven't taken the plunge.

    I love what you did with the vintage bridal slip.

    Kinda off topic, but when the girls were little, we had a whole dress up trunk just full of slips that I would buy at GW and dye into different colors for "gowns".

    What I need to do is check to see if I can find out what ALL of their color options are. Our local Walmart is the only place to carry them, and they don't carry a very large variety.

  19. Every time I read your post I get inspired. If it can be dyed to match the color you need, can it be bleached to get the color out. I have an awful lot of blue ribbon that I found at a thrift store and I will try and take the blue out with bleach and put the tan in with dye. Wish me luck.

  20. These are all stunning and yes, love the way different fabrics and trims take on different hues! I remember my mom used to use Rit to dye her throw rugs every few months!! She'd put it in the washing machine, pop in the rugs and voila! "New" rugs . . . LOL thanks for the 'memory jog'!

  21. Thanks for this post...I have some napkins that I have thought about dyeing with Rit. Now I think I'll try it. Love your new blog look!!!

  22. Wow--you always share such great ideas!

  23. I have used Rit dye on corn husks and made flowers from them! They are really pretty..nice and rustic looking. You can buy corn husks in packages where Mexican foods are sold. Seperate and dye, while damp cut or fold into petals and wire together to form a flower. They dye beautifully!

  24. Carol you are so correct about never knowing what different fabrics and trims will take the dye. I have not used liquid but lots of Rit powders in the past. Results were always rather iffy. Your colors and results are dreamy. Thank you so much for sharing your techniques and for such wonderful inspiration always! Rit should supply you free dye for life! Blissful Creating Dear...

  25. I haven't read all the comments, so I don't know if this is a repeat, but yes, I've used RIT for coloring bottle brush trees. Works like a charm!

  26. i've never used dye, but, i think i'd love the tan color! thanks for sharing, carol:)

  27. I haven't used Rit dye in several years. I used to use it to dye costumes for theater and it is amazing what different colors different fabrics sport when they come out of the dye bath. I am amazed that the tan one turned that slip pink. Don't you just love it?

    Your pieces are all lovely..just beautiful..and I think you are the only person I know that has dyed corks! You go, girl!!! xo Diana

  28. Nope!! Can you believe it? Talking about you today....junkin with Kathy.
    Wondering what you have been doing. Lunch soon at our favorite spot?

  29. I Love the way different textiles will pick up different shades of color. A water box was my Sand box in College! Check out Dharma Trading Co. if you haven't already. I just Love the Place!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  30. Thanks for this post. I enjoy using Rit dye. I love the pink. I used to use the whole packet everytime--it has been so much better since I figured out less is more! I always do it on the stove..and sometimes if I do a whole sheet or something I do the washer method. Can't wait for my decals to come:)! Have a great Mothers day weekend:)

  31. LOOK at your NEW BANNER/HEADER! Love IT!!!
    It's been awhile since I've dyed anything. Love how it turned out!
    Happy Mom's Day!

  32. Carol,

    Thanks for the tips on how you used Rit. I am a basketweaver and used to use the powder a lot to dye reed. My favorite was 'Aubergine' a gorgeous royal purple! I have been wanting to dye some vintage linens and adore how the petal pink turned out!

    Nora Sue

  33. I just tried dying some fabric a few days ago. I'm so glad you posted your experience and how to's. I experimented with a small piece of a thrift store bridal gown. The satin wouldn't take the color at all but the lace took the Petal Pink to varying degrees. I'm anxious to try a different fabric. I'm so glad to know that it really isn't necessary to keep it boiling on the stovetop. Standing and stirring constantly for a half hour to an hour, as the instructions on the bottle state, is beyond my patience level. I'm anxious to try the tan color and your outdoor method. Thanks so much for the great post!

  34. I have never ever used RIT, but I want to now. Beautiful job Carol.

  35. Geez Carol, you must have been reading my mind. I have been wanting to play around with some Rit Dye...just haven't gotten around to it yet. I will have to try it! Great post as always! ~Stacy~ xo

  36. I have a ton of items I Now want to dye. I can't wait to buy some liquid Rit. Thanks for the info.

  37. Carol, Your creations are so beautiful. Rit works beautifully. I haven't dyed anything in a long time. I used to use it a lot. It is great to freshen up all kinds of household goods.
    Have a great Mother's Day. Ginger

  38. This is GREAT Miss C! LOVE IT that you showed the brown...and the corks! WOW!

    I redye almost all my black t-shirts. I love a certain brand of T's and when I'm lucky I get them at ROSS. But...even the pricey ones fade very fast. So...about once a month I redye them all and love how they come out.

    I'm also glad you showed the petal pink. It's my fav.

    Now...about your comment about my house... A true labor of love for almost 20 years now. I love seeing the pics of how we've changed it and honestly we've never loved it more.

    I thought of you today as I'm returning to booth selling. I'm excited and got over-the-top happy when I snagged six vintage Frenchy chairs for $34.96. I want to do something neat with them and thought I'd come back and scour thru all your back posts. Your always doing something FAB!

    Love you!!!!! xoRebecca

  39. You are just the queen! I LOVE absolutely everything you showed here! Oozing talent! :)


  40. You did a great job!! The colours are very,very nice. I love your coloured lace!
    Dear greatings Elly from Holland

  41. Hi Carol, Simply wonderful. I love the colors you use and I want to try this too. It has been a long time since I used Rit dyes and it was the powder. Sounds like the liquid would be easier. Your items turned out beautiful. Love the flower on the dark brown and how it turned out.
    Thank you for sharing this. I will have to try it soon.

    Happy Mother's Day.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  42. Rit Dye brings back fond memories of my mom! I wanted purple tennis shoes so my mom bought some purple Rit Dye and soaked them in the washer! She was not a very good laundress and did not realize the dye would leave a residue. Of course she then washed my dad's clothes! Well, we all know what happened!! Once she figured out she could do it a pot, she dyed all my friends shoes too!! They were a lovely lavender!
    Best chris

  43. The results are amazing. Thanks for sharing. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  44. Hi Carol,

    Love your post on the Rit Dye. I have used this method for many years with great results. I am sure you are aware that the Rit Dye website has a color chart that shows you the formula to get over 500 color variations? I have included the website address below. Just click on the color you wish, and it will give you the "recipe" for that color. I have used this too with great results! Website:

    Sandy Steele

  45. Hi Carol,

    Your dye projects turned out stunning! You are very, very talented and creative!

    YES, I've recently used RIT to dye some white chicken feathers purple for a pageant costume design project. I also used the microwave suggestions and found it to "set" the dye to perfection. It was fun and easy and, if feasable, I would recommend using RIT for all dying projects.

    Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

  46. Very pretty! Lovely post. I only use the tan Rit dye every now and then. I tea dye more that anything. But do pull out the tan rit sometimes. My FAVORITE dye right not is actually Dylon Fabric dyes. The pink, Bahama blue and china Blue are PERFECT! I also would guess the French Lavender is lovely too. They are a powder and mix up easy. I do lots of dying in bowls or tubs and it is easy to work with.

    Thanks for sharing :)

  47. Thank you for posting this. It’s exactly what I was looking for!

  48. Carol, that is awesome!! I have not used Rit Dye in years and years!

    Happy Mother's day sweet friend!


  49. I have never used Rit dyes but mom always was using it. I remember watching her change curtains, towels or tablecloths. Your work is amazing I will surely try it now. Hugs...Lu

  50. I always forget about Rit. My mom used it for fabric all the time when I was a kid. Worth keeping some on hand for the corks alone.


  51. I use Rit dye often, My favs are the pinks and I sometimes custom mix some colors for more pizazz. I have used both powder and liquid. My best tip is if you spill blue Rit powder on your floor, do not try to wipe it up with a wet looked like a Smurf murder crime scene! I suggest a vacuum hose or dry broom!

  52. Beautiful Carol! I love how each item takes the stain a little bit different. The only dye I have used lately is the Teal color. I dyed a coffee filter wreath and some real white eggs for an umbrella arrangement on my front door. I love the tan! I will definately be trying that one. Who knows, maybe even the others. I have some corks that could stand to look more vintage. Thanks for sharing!

  53. I haven't looked at dyes in awhile, but Rit used to have one called 'Ecru' that I used quite a bit to age things. I'm not sure if they've renamed it 'Tan' or if it's still out there.

    I like the liquid much better than the powder; easier to get just the amount you want!

  54. Thanks for sharing this information, Carol. I have wanted to try Rit dye for a while but my market quit carrying it. I'll check the local craft store. Everything you did looked amazing.

  55. So much easier for big projects. I haven't used the dyes but I may have to now. :)

  56. LOVE this TOO... I'm not sure if we have the bottles, I know we have the little boxed ones. I'm going to the states tomorrow, I hope I can find them. Do you think they would be in the grocery store???

  57. Why would dark brown Rit dye turn something dark purple? And is it possible to make it dark brown now that it is purple? Any help appreciated.

  58. You might try adding some green to that purple to make brown.

  59. Have you tried using the Dyemore products on polyester? I am trying to achieve dusty rose/blush pink with an ivory (yellow tinged) flower girl dress. Not sure what color combination would be best. Their Dyemore colors are limited. I was thinking mixing sandstone and a small amount of super pink. Do you have advise or suggests?
