
March 31, 2013

Cake Decorating Furniture With Spackle

I just recently redid my craft room and found tons of stuff including my cake decorating supplies.  About 100 years ago I did a lot of cake decorating, but I was pretty rusty when I tried my hand at decorating a cake for my brother in laws birthday last week. 

Here's the fun part....I was standing there with my decorating bag filled with butter creme frosting and It came to me....

......Spackle  and Furniture!!!

I decided to try it on this table I had just picked up at the thrift store

I filled my cake decorating bag with vinyl spackle, but I think you could use any form of spackle.  I put 2 plaster flowers in the middle.  How to make the plaster flower tutorial is HERE and HERE .

I used spackle to adhere the plaster flowers, then drew scrolls out to the side (I am really out of practice!)

 After I let the spackle dry (It dries rock hard!) I painted the whole piece and finished with a coat of clear wax followed by dark wax to give the flowers dimension

It looks like a hot mess up close lol!   But, stand back ....

I used vintage wallpaper on the inside shelf..... 

And there you have it...Adding just a little Somethin...Somethin, makes all the difference!

I priced this little side table at $63.00 and it sold in 2 days.......Hum, I think I see more cake decorated furniture in my future!

Happy Creating!


  1. What a wonderful idea!
    This total made that cute that little table...THAT.MUCH.CUTER!!!

    Hope you're having a spectacular spring so far...

  2. SO SO cute, what a great job you did with that little shelf, it is so pretty and useful and what an amazing deal for the price...

  3. I use sheetrock mud on furniture all the time...but now you have me thinking. My husband was an amazing cake decorator some years back.If he's willing I bet we could create some beautiful things. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I really like what you have done to your furniture.

    Beautiful! :)

  5. What a beautiful table this turned out to be. What an art you have ... turning shabby into "shabby chic!"

  6. It became just beautiful. I have tried it before. Just great


  7. Hi Carol,
    Well not aren't you the clever one!
    Looks great and I'm glad that you sold it.


  8. I love the idea and only wish I were not an epic failure at cake decorating. My mind is racing a little at the ideas this has inspired.

  9. thats adorable! I think you have a hit here! What will you cake decorate next?

  10. What a great idea!!! Up close or further back this table is pretty darn cute!!!


  11. So cute and Sold in 2 days! Way to go, Carol! ♥

  12. Stunning and clever as usual. You did cake decorating? Of COURSE you did :-) Seriously, you should take on interns in your shop.

    BTW, I have a little girl featured on my blog post today that would fit right into your pretty world (for once, lol).

  13. Carol,
    You sure did a great job on the cabinet. Your cake decorating skills don't look rusty at all to me, looks great! Blessings, Trisha

  14. simply fabulous, carol, you clever girl!

  15. OMGOSH-Carol! THAT is amazing. Your talent is showing there, lady! xo Diana

  16. Nice job on the cabinet. I don't do much cake decorating since the kids were little but it makes a great tool to pipe porcelain slip onto a piece before firing :) You can get some beautiful swirls, same technique you used on the cabinet.

  17. I think that is one of the best pieces you have done yet! It went from utilitarian to adorable in one flash of genius.

  18. Genius! I want to see more. Blessings

  19. Hot Mess, indeed!!! How about HOT!!!! You did it again. Just Brilliant.

  20. Nice! WOW, 2 days! You have the TOUCH!

  21. What a wonderful idea!
    This total made that cute that little table...THAT.MUCH.CUTER!!!

  22. What a clever idea Carol. It's no wonder this sweet table sold so fast. Love it!

  23. You definitely have found a new use for cake decorating supplies and it really enhances the little table. Think outside that box my friend. Creative Bliss...

  24. Hi Carol, This is fabulous. I love how your piece turned out. It is gorgeous!!
    I still have all my cake decorating tools and you have inspired me to try this too. It's been a long time since I decorated a cake so I know I would be out of practice. Your scrolls are perfect!!

    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, CM

  25. This is a fantastic idea! The table turned out great, I'm not surprised it sold in such a short time. :)

  26. Carol - That just totally changed that cute little table into a masterpiece! You did an awesome job with that cake decorating tube. I find my hands don't work on that like they use to.


  27. This turned out so great! Your brain must be working overtime all the time! Made it into a wonderful piece! Nancy

  28. I also love the reupholstered chair in the corner of one of the pictures! Nancy

  29. Your little side table turned out darling! I sure would have loved it! Just wanted to tell you I experimented with some shabby chic vintage roses using your tutorial on Fabric Flowers. They turned out so neat! Will make more for gifts! Thanks for another neat idea!

  30. I can see why the table sold so's a beauty!! The flowers and spackle you added were the perfect finishing touch! Great job!!

  31. Carol, you beat anything I have ever seen. Watch out or they will be coming to you and wanting to preserve your brain for science studies. How can any one person be so very imaginative and creative. You are the cherry on the top of the crafting and art world, why hasn't HGTV given you your own TV show?
    Hey, come over, we are celebrating our 37th anniversary and having a $25 gift card give-a-way :) It wouldn't be a celebration without you joining in :)
    Have a great week,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)
    Spackled flowers, who but you would have ever come up with that idea, and it is adorable too boot. Did I say that you are amazing . . .well, you are :)

  32. Have you ever heard teenagers say, "shut up, you did not" ? (I teach middle school so I hear it all the time).

    Anyway, "Shut up! You didn't make those flowers and all that scrolling!" You are amazing. I have a bookcase that I have been thinking needs something just like that, but I know I could never do it. I will have to buy something.


  33. So sweet ! I have a lote of furniture to re-do (mine in fact) but I'm waiting for the sun, and I think i'll be waiting a lot , because it's not realy spring for the moment here in Paris !

  34. So cute and what a great use of your old Wilton supplies. That made me smile! Even "out of practice" as you said, the scroll work and rosettes are beautiful. I bet you were a fantastic cake decorator. I am visiting from Coastal Charm and am your newest follower. Please come and visit me at Still Woods Farmhouse when you get a chance!

  35. great idea Carol! I can't make a respectable cake to save my life but maybe I'd have more luck with spackle!I need to try that on some old frames of mine that are missing "bits"..can't hurt!

  36. You amaze me with your ideas. This is another why didn't I think of that moment for me. That little extra design really makes this stunning.

  37. brilliant idea!! and so beautiful!

  38. wow, you never cease to amaze me......

  39. Well sweet, you sure look good for a hundred something lady!! To answer your question, my rag quilts are washed once before I sell them so yes, that ragging happens in one wash. I clip very closely to each other, about every 1/8". So it gives it a full look.

    Now your project: I want your brain!! You come up with the coolest ideas that one day one by one I hope to use in my own home décor. This was fabulous. Well done.

    I am having a GIVEAWAY if you would like to put your name in the drawing.


  40. Ohhhhhh, I am in love! So pretty, and clever. Have a wonderful week!

  41. OMG, now I have seen everything! Brilliant! What a wonderful addition to the table - makes me want to get out my cake decorating kit too! ;)

  42. Carol you come up with the darndest things! That is really clever though! Cake decorated furniture....too funny! Love the little cabinet! It's adorable! I think I want to come live with you! You are such an inspiration and have the coolest ideas ever! :)


  43. HOW SMART. I love it. Now I wanna try it too. Thanks for sharing.

  44. Carol you are a genius... a genius that turns cast aways into cinderellas! I love this idea, I'm thinking smaller scale, I don't do many furniture transformations these days, but this would be perfect on a plain jane frame. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and congratulations on the magazine feature!!! love,t.xoxo

  45. So cool! Never would have even thought to do that. You are very talented :)

  46. You kill me with your creativity. That mind just doesn't stop, does it??

  47. Now that is creative Carol! I love it. It did not even look like a mess close up! So pretty.

  48. Adorable! Always so much fun to visit you! You are so busy making beautiful things!
