
October 13, 2011

Water Slide Decal French Step Stools

I am so excited to show you these step stools I applied French water slide decals to

I had questions on my last post about why I use water slide decals instead of say, decoupaging on a graphic.  This stool is a perfect example, decals allow you to see through to the surface of whatever you put it on, it could be chippy paint, wood grain, or rust and it gives the graphics a painted on effect! 

This stool is just as I found it, I gave it a good scrub and water slide graphics

See these other posts on Water Slide Decals
Using water slide decals
Water slide decal table
Water Slide decal chair

This step ladder was a thrift store find

I dry brushed with blue paint

And a graphics from Graphics Fairies  

Decoupaging a paper graphic would not allow you to see the surface behind it. 

I hate the pink color I sprayed this stool...Can we say Pepto Bismol YUK!

Even with gel stain it is still to pink...Oh Well

Check out the wood grain showing through the decal, it was a little difficult to do a large decal like this, I did not get is perfectly centered, bummer! 

 I finished all of these stools with wipe-on poly acrylic

For all of my bloggy friends that have antiques booths, step stools and stools with French graphic decals have sold really well for me,  I price them between $26-$36

Thank you sooooo much for your feed back on my last post about ordering blank water slide decals to sell....I ordered them and I'll let you know when they are available to purchase.

I really appreciate your questions and comments, if you have a question, I am sure other people do ask away!

Happy Creating!


  1. Carol....loving these. I think I told you I used to buy the water slide decals after a failed attempt at making them myself. I think I had the wrong printer??? I MUST try this what kind of printer, ink jet?? I just love all 3 of these and the decal on Pepto is perfect to go with that pink!!!

  2. I just love french anything,, beautiful!

  3. Hmmmm yes pink...LOL! Love the graphics tho. Can't wait for my decals to arrive so I can have a go! Right now I ma totally hooked on freezer paper...can't imagine why I put off trying it for so long! And that first got it as is and people spend hours painting and distressing to get that look... good for you!

  4. Oh Carol! What fabulous work!! I have a little ladder that has been awaiting some special touches!! I am sooo going to do this!! Even love the pink one, and I am not a pink gal at all!!

    Thanks once again for taking the time to put together a great post for us! Love how you share everything!!

  5. Love, love your creations Carol....I have not been in blogland for a couple weeks and your post was the first to show up on my dashboard this afternoon, so I hurried over!!! I have done the waterslide decals, but on a much smaller basis like Christmas ornaments. Always bought them, but never printed them up myself. Would love to learn how.

  6. Hello Queen of decals! You do such an awesome job! I like the "see thru" look!
    Let me know when you are selling the decals.
    I hope you have a great weekend.
    Fall is now here..normal fall temps! The leaves are almost gone...and it's dark at 7PM!

  7. I get it, and can't wait to try it Carol! Hey I kinda like the pepto color! I bet it will sell quick. How cute it would be in a girls shabby chick bedroom.

  8. Hi Carol,
    The waterslide decal gives that little step ladder just what it needs. I have one now in my booth and it is so blah. As soon as you get the decal paper in I'm ordering it!
    I really like the pink color on the stool. I just painted a little table a pink similar to yours and I'm afraid it might be too pink for some, but we shall see.

    Love your creations.


  9. so cute Carol!!! I love using decals too. I need to get a new ink cartridge and start doing some more. I love your blog!

  10. Love that little step ladder! So pretty! I really have to try my hand at water slide decals. Thanks for sharing.

  11. If you made and sold the water slides, I would buy them from you. I do not have a clue how to make them myself. I would rather just buy them.

  12. I can't wait to get my hands on some of that water decal paper! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Olá!!! O seu blog é lindo, amei 'passear' por ele... tudo muito charmoso!!!

  14. Those waterslide decals are incredible! I've got to get some of those, soon! Great look!


  15. Oh I have been following your blogs about the waterslide decals...I think they look great!! Are you selling the decals ready to use? If so, I would love to purchase some from you as my printer is out of And I love the pink stool too. Loved your spot in Romantic Homes magazine..picked one up yesterday. Bet you are so excited!! Thanks, Linda

  16. I totally get it now...and I can't wait until you get them...I really want to try this!

  17. Amazing!! I love them all...even the pink. Of course, with two daughters aged 9 and 2 who think the world revolves around pink, I'm kind of partial for their sakes right now. :) You do fantastic work!! :)

  18. Wonderful. I hope you will consider linking to my party this week.

  19. Looks fabulous on the new stool. Thanks for the information about the water decals, I'm going to give it a try on a project I've had sitting around unfinished.

  20. Those are darling! I've never even heard of waterslide decals but I'm don't do many crafts. Looks awesome!

  21. Hi Carol,
    This is why I like your blog.... your always doing something fantastic and sharing your ideas. Everything you do looks Great... I really need you to live by me so I can borrow YOU.

    Hey thanks for stopping by.... Big Hugs~

  22. Very nice projects! I always read your posts when I get the e-mail : )

  23. Thanks dear for the compliments to my latest work of pumpkins.
    I would add myself to your supporters not to miss and continue to enjoy your beautiful vintage works so much love.
    A hug,

  24. I never heard of water slide decals? But I have two of these old step ladders that I have been looking for something to do. And I think I found it. I really like it, would you consider posting this on my 1st Sunday's Best linky party? Sure hope so!

  25. The use of the water slide decals is really a neat one! I think the little pink stool will sell for a little girl's room too!

    I would be delighted for you to link up to Potpourri Friday, currently in progress!

  26. Hey Carol... I do love your little pink stool. I love anything and everything pink! I have never heard of water slide decals! But can't wait to try them. XoXo

  27. Carol, The stools are wonderful! I love the transparency you get with water slide decals.
    Have a great weekend.

  28. Carol...I'm on the floor over your comment on my blog about the candles from Big Lots. I'm sorry. I'm just busting a gut over that one! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA


    xoRebecca PS: Loving your Water Thingies!

  29. Hi Carol...
    I'm astonish as usual...
    *raising my hand*
    As I told you before I have NEVER done any restoring on furniture in my life...I would love yo specially after seeing your amazing work here! I just (probably not just"just") need to know when you say Dry brushed with blue paint, how is that?? very basic question but I have no idea about it.
    Thanks a loooooot for your visit and keep amazing the blogger crafty world!

  30. good answers Carol. I wondered that too. I used water slides a lot on old canisters I redid. I pass those step ladders by a lot. Time to rethink that decision. xoxo

  31. I forgot about water slide decals...I used to collect the vintage ones. Hmmm...I'm pretty sure I still have them hiding away some where :) Love your stools...I can see why they sell so well! Chat soon, Laurel

  32. Carol, you find the best things...I want to go shopping with you!! Your pink stool inspired me to do a decal on a pink table I have that was just begging for a makeover. It turned out great and now it's going to the store.
    I'm loving the water slide decals!
    Thanks for all the inspiration!!

  33. Hi again! Just wanted to say I am delighted you linked this great post to Potpourri Friday! I appreciate you and hope you will make it one of your week party stops!

  34. I am such a HUGE fan of the Graphics Fairy. I had a project featured there on Brag Monday, but I LOVE your projects more. I would love it if you would link up your project at my weekend party. It closes at midnight tonight, but I host it every Friday - Sunday at Redoux. Thanks for sharing!

  35. Hi
    These step stools are just darling! Thanks so much for the advice... I am going to try this

  36. I am in awe of this neat project, Carol!! Thank you so much for sharing your tutorial and tips! I'm definitely going to order some of those clear decals for my future projects! So much easier than hand painting....! :) Oh, and congrats on the feature in RH!!

    xoxo laurie

  37. Carol, these are beautiful! Such a fun technique... a BIG congratulations on the Romantic Home article!!

  38. Hi Carol! I just found you and I'm so glad! Your projects are fabulous and your tips and instructions so clear and helpful! Thank you for sharing techniques and telling where to get supplies! you've inspired me to start creating again! I've had so much fun visiting your blog today, and reading many older posts! I have joined! Blessings! Linda

  39. Congrats! These turned out great and gorgeous colours. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  40. This is so cool, I never knew this stuff existed, this would be much easier for me than trying to paint stuff, I am off to find some now!

  41. These look fantastic! I always love your work :) Thanks for sharing this at my link party!

  42. Hi Carol!! Your transformation is incredible.. LOVE the decal on the front!
    Thanks so much for stopping into Traditions, and visiting my booth! I'm just giddy you liked it!!

  43. Hi Carol, what a grand stepladder. You did a fine job. I found and am now following you through My Romantic Home and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you could follow me also. I would love that. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  44. Fascinated to hear about water slide decals and what a lovely job you've done. Via Graphics Fairy.

  45. Fascinating to read about your use of water slide decals and what a lovely job you've done.

  46. Fascinating to read about your use of water slide decals and what a lovely job you've done.

  47. You have been featured in the Sunday Special Edition of Potpourri Friday!

  48. I wish now that I would not have passed up the little ladder I saw this week. I do have some bar stools on hand though. I haven't tried the water slide decals before.

  49. They all look amazing! I also use waterslide decal paper, I love the finish results you get with decals.
