
April 28, 2013

Vintage Wedding Veils

I love vintage wedding gowns and veils

So imagine this heart stopping moment.... A few weeks ago I went to a Girlie, girl, Estate Sale and as I was checking out with tons of vintage slips and clothes 

There.... Right by the cashier, was a pile of vintage wedding veils.   Ah...Ah..."Are those veils for sale"?  "Yes, they are"!   "I'll take them all"!  The price was so great that I got in my car and sped away before the estate sale police got me! 

This one has a beaded headband with a gorgeous lace trim

There is an elastic headband on this one with little flowers on the side.  

When I showed it to my Mom she said 
"It's not exactly my style" lol.... I agree!

This was a straw like cap with vintage flowers

I love this beaded cap..1940's?

Oh, the stories they could tell

But WAIT, this story is not over!  Three special blogging friends are also showing off there vintage wedding veils

You can never see to many veils.  So, please stop by, say hi and make a new friend.

Happy Creating!

Ivy and Elephants


  1. oh they are so beautiful ! and to get them all in one place, sigh.
    you find the bestest stuff. (())

  2. Be still my much fun that must have been!

  3. Oh my ~ they are so beautiful. You are so lucky to have found them.
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  4. I well know the feeling of making a quick getaway in case someone realizes what they just let go for a song! I'd love to hear the stories those veils could tell.

  5. sometimes, I wish I could live in the States for a while to find such pretties ! Love them all of course, and thanks to you who gave me some ideas for one of my next Venitian costume !!!
    xoxo from PARIS

  6. oh, carol, these are all just lovely!! what fabulous finds they are!

  7. Hi Carol,
    I wish that I could find an estate sale like that one. I usually end up finding dusty, dirty and ugly stuff, LOL!
    I have you to thank for my collection of wedding gowns and prom dresses....oh yes I do!


  8. I love them all! Oh, how lucky that was. I know that feeling when you get a good deal and flee quickly! That was great. Di@Cottage-wishes

  9. Hola Carol ~ they are so beautiful. You are so lucky to have found them.

  10. wow Lady, you really lucked out! These are gorgeous!! Wonder why they had so many? Thank you for including me today. I loved it! Have a super sweet week Carol and happy creating and hunting. xo

  11. Hi Carol, Wow, these are soooo beautiful and you really got lucky! You were at the right place at the right time...Connie

  12. Carol,
    They are so pretty!! Lovely how you displayed them!!


  13. They are so, so pretty. What a great find.

  14. I would have snapped them up and ran off straight away too !
    Don't you just love it when you find something truly amazing and it makes you want to go off and stash it somewhere safe while you sit there smugly feeling so proud of yourself ! lol
    Enjoy your new pretties Carol

  15. Hi Carol, Wow~ what treasures. They are gorgeous. Fabulous finds.
    Have a great Monday.
    Hugs, CM

  16. All I can say is you must live in Estate sale heaven, you find the best and most gorgeous things. TTFN

  17. Lovely-each and every one. How fortunate you were there to save these beauties. I was in a local antique shop this weekend and saw some vintage hats and thought of you. Our local prices are very high so I wasn't tempted. Wonderful week ahead...

  18. wow, how nice. im a sucker for anything wedding. but these are really special. just love the pinkish one.

  19. Exciting to find them, good find! This reminds me of my wedding dress score at an estate sale, it was found in a trunk! Come by our blog and see, we'd be honored if you did! It's called "it's in the trunk"
    Thanks for the fun!
    Laurie DeBruin Forever Bound Art

  20. Wow. What a great find! I love the ways you have them displayed. So fun to find a great deal like that...the type that makes you want to get out quick, before they discover they made a mistake! But, they have no idea what treasures these are. So, I feel like it's meant to be....someone that will cherish them, like you, SHOULD have them!

  21., love the veils AND the slips and frills!!

  22. Such pretty things! The peachy bouquet is the exact same peachy color of my bedroom. Just love it.

  23. Love all the romantic vintage things you post about. The veils are all so pretty except for that one! lol Nancy

  24. I'm CALLING the estate sale police! WOW they are so awesome! Makes me want to get married again, to hubby that is!
    Hubby did grill this weekend! YUM!

  25. So lovely. I will bet there are lots of stories there. Love to you, Ginger

  26. What a coup! They are magnificent

  27. What a find! Love them all. Mimi

  28. Gorgeous finds, Carol, and I love how your displayed them. Thanks for including me in the links.

  29. What beautiful wedding veils. What stories they could tell!

  30. It was your lucky day. These are gorgeous! I would have made a quick dash out of there also:-)

  31. Beautiful veils! I have my 1970's veil stuffed in my cedar chest, I will have to think of a way to use it.

  32. Oh you lucky girl you! Finds like that are few and far between! I really love the pink one. My mother wore a pink wedding gown and it was so beautiful. thanks for sharing.

  33. Oh, lovely veils. I like the frilly one with the peach buds, it looks 1920's. The white cap with the points is very similar to the wedding cap my mother wore. Hers had lots of diamante as well as pearls, and she said it cost more than her wedding dress. She was married in the 1950's.

  34. Just beautiful! What pretty finds you have! I love them all! :)

  35. You always find the greatest stuff! Lovely finds : )
