Mary Lou's Lounge
The Polka Dot Flea is just 3 months away!

It is held in 21,000 square feet of Air Conditioned bliss! This will be the 3rd annual show I have organized....You've all been on this journey with me...Can you believe this is the 3rd year?
I am in high gear now and have a "To Do" list 2 pages long. I can now cross this off my list...Furnishing "Mary Lou's lounge"
With each year I gain knowledge, what works and what doesn't and try to find ways to enhance or simplify the Polka Dot Flea. I created a lounge last year and it was a huge success, a place for people to meet and greet or maybe
"Sit A Spell" during the show
My Mom loves to take breaks and "People watch" So, I named the lounge after her "Mary Lou's Lounge"
Here she is in HER lounge last year at the Polka Dot Flea...You can read about it HERE
Last year I used all of my personal outdoor furniture to furnish the lounge
It worked great but...We needed to increase the size of the rental truck to haul 3 outdoor tables and 10 heavy iron chairs, not to mention the sweat involved in loading and unloading.
After much thought I had a EUREKA moment....Instead of hauling all of my outdoor furniture, why not rent chairs from the fairgrounds and make cute chair covers
Then for the tables, cover those cheap particle board tables with the screw in legs....Yea!...It's easy to transport, attractive and the bonus.....I had so much fun making the chair covers
I bought chair covers 10 for $20 on line...What a deal! Why didn't I get some years ago to cover my folding chairs I use for big gatherings?
I just happened to have a lot of polka dot fabric....Are you surprised?
Let the fun begin!
Ruffles, sashes, and bows...Oh my!
The flowers could be used on a tote, pillow, clothes or.......Chair covers
I cut out the leaves free hand then sewed them together and gathered at the base of the leaf. Next I folded over a thin strip of fabric, gathered it and rolled it all together. I hot glued the "Flower" on to the the leaf and then onto the sash
Now, instead of filling half a rental truck with chairs and tables I have one plastic bin filled with everything needed to set up "Mary Lou's Lounge"
A great place to meet friends or perhaps just..."Sit a Spell"....And you never know who you might meet at "Mary Lou's Lounge"!
Whose coming to the Polka Dot Flea?
Happy Creating!