April 18, 2013

Altered Bottles and Mirror trays

Last month I sold 10 of my altered bottles in my antiques booth at Orange Tree 

I love vintage bottles and they are really good sellers right now.  I say "Right now" because a lot of my customers are "Regulars" and I find that something that is hot now, might not be in a couple of months, because all of my "Regulars" may have already bought one.

I added a waterslide decal to each of them. You can purchase the decals at The Polka Dot Closet Store, or you can make them yourself, the tutorial is HERE.   My new sheets of decals have graphics from antique calling cards I purchased at an antique store and from Free Vintage Digi Stamps

I added some ribbon, lace, and sometimes a little bling

I get the corks at the craft store and dye them with Rit brown dye to give them a little age

Here they are all sitting on a mirror tray that I spray painted with heirloom white and then added a porcelain rose I chipped off a damaged nick knack..The tutorial is HERE

I sold 5 trays last month with porcelain roses on them for $25 each.  If I do not add a rose I price them from $16-18

In the picture below you can see that I also added a porcelain leaf, I usually add one or two leaves with the rose

So there you go kids...

....Just passing on what's selling in my neck of the woods.  I have a few vintage bottles for sale at The Polka Dot Closet 

Happy Creating!


shari said...

Your bottles are so pretty, you do such beautiful work.

Anonymous said...

these are so pretty, you transformed the plain to girly girl pretty!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Carol, LOVE your bottles. Each one is gorgeous and the trays are so pretty with the rose.
Bottles sell good for me too and I am nearly out. I love them and always on the hunt. I paint my corks, but good idea to stain for age too.
Have fun and happy creating.
Hugs, CM

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, Carol! ♥

Connie@shabbyforsure said...

Hi Carol, As usual, I love what you have created. You are a very talented gal...Connie

Donna said...

Your bottles are just gorgeous, Carol! I love all of your wonderful embellishments, and how you even dyed the corks to "age" them. Your water slide decals are just amazing!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Each one is different and very beautiful! I know everyone enjoys shopping and finding unique items!

farmhouse-story said...

they make a pretty display, carol! the rose and dyed corks are the great details that make these yours:) happy weekend!

Kadee Willow said...

A friend of mine taught a class on decorating bottles... so much fun! And I love the waterslide decals. Intimidating at first but once I got the hang of how to print them, it worked really well. Aren't you generous to share what is a hot item to sell. I don't think these will ever fade away as they add such charm to a sweet vignette

Laurel Stephens said...

I've been wanting to try my hand at decorating bottles. It looks really fun. Yours are so pretty and romantic. I'm inspired!

Createology said...

Carol it is easy to see why you have repeat customers. Your bottles and trays are beautiful. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

Jann said...

So lovely!

DownTheLaneWithDaisy said...

I love looking at your creations. It makes me think fondly of the box of bottles I have stored away.....bottles that are doing nothing but getting dusty and certainly not as pretty as yours. I have to get to work. Wanna come visit me?? I have all kinds of projects!!!

Debbie said...

Now I am trying to remember where I saw some bottles like that but without the Carol touch. I think it was in an antique mall I haunted this past week.

I love what you did.

I also know what you mean about hot "for now". Everything is so dynamic these days.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Love them Carol!!!


Marilyn said...

Not one favorite! I love them all!♥♫


Hi Carol!
Very pretty and I do have a "few" bottles around that could use a little "something" like yours!
My birthday gift, tomorrow, is SNOW! Been snowing today and it's not nice!

fixitfaerie said...

I bet they sell fast. They are cute and pretty at the same time. Thank u for sharing. Blessings Paula

Shabby chic Sandy said...

Those bottles turned out great! You are always so creative :)

Jane said...

Very pretty! You always add that extra something that makes your pieces so special!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

The bottles are so pretty! Everything you do is beautiful! Do they just sit around to be "pretties" or do you put something in them? I think I use to have a mirror tray like that only it was silver. I don't remember what I did with it but no longer have it. You have made it very pretty too! Nancy

Maureen Wyatt said...

Thanks for the tip on dying the corks. It always bothers me that mine look too new. I never met a doctored up old bottle that I didn't like and yours are the creme de la creme!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

These are simply stunning!!
Thanks so much for stopping by to take a look at Rose and thanks for your kind words!!
You deserve all the credit I gave you because if it wasn't for you, I would not have Rose in my home!! Thanks so much!!


By Neymes said...


sunnyskiesandsweettea said...

Beautiful! Great Idea.

Amy Jo

Connie said...

Hello Dear Carol,
Girlfriend, you blow my mind . . . you have so many marvelous and creative ideas. Everything you touch turns to gold, or better yet to diamonds. Every-time I visit I am amazed. Watch out Martha Stewart, because Carol is in town!
Have a lovely weekend.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Carol, They are all beautiful!! I am working on my first waterslide decal project and I appreciate the tutorial.

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Have the same thing happen at my booth, once the regulars buy things can sit for a while. I've learned to leave them because it's amazing what will sell even after sitting for a loooooong time.
Now I never thought to stain the corks ! (())

debi said...

Your bottles and trays are so beautiful!!

Olivia said...

Oh I love these, your so clever!! Xo olivia

Perfectly Printed said...

Love these bottles!!! I can see why they sold old!! chris

20 North Ora said...

Your bottles are so pretty. You certainly have the "touch".


Debbiedoos said...

I can see why these are big sellers Carol. I love them. I still have to check out the decals.

Savannah Granny said...

Carol, these are beautiful. I am always amazed at your creativity. Have a blessed Sunday, Ginger

Patti said...

Oh so beautiful! You are so sweet to share your creations and tutorials, too.

Anonymous said...

I love the bottles because you can literally do anything you want in any style you like in any color or décor theme fitting your needs. So darn versatile!! That's always a good thing. Your sure are one busy crafting lady!! Hugs. tammy

Annesphamily said...

You make some amazing creations. I am always happy to visit you here. It is a joy to see you working at your crafty talents! Have a terrific week and thanks always for sharing your treasures with us all! Hugs Anne

Marlynne said...

I haven't tried making a vintage bottle yet. Guess since their hot I need to!

Simply Lokal said...

I do well with the bottles, too~! Always love to see yours! - Revis

Little Miss Maggie said...

Your bottles are gorgeous. I can't believe how the decals transform something like a simple clear bottle. Another great idea.

Glenn Hannan said...

Great tips, many thanks for sharing. I have printed and will stick on the wall! I like this blog. French Style Wood Furniture Online